
WHO Monitors Rapidly Mutating New Corona Variant in US, Israel, and Denmark

America’s top disease control agency (CDC) is tracking the fast-changing variant of Corona. According to news agency ‘Reuters’, this variant is being called BA.2.86. It has so far been found in America, Israel and Denmark. The US has said that the CDC is gathering more information about it.

Also the World Health Organization i.e. WHO has also given information about it. The WHO has said that the new variant has the potential to mutate rapidly, which is why it is being monitored. Currently WHO is tracking 3 variants. At the same time, 7 variants are kept on monitoring.

The World Health Organization, an expert in immunosuppression, has shared information about the new variant on social media platform X. It states that they are gathering more information to understand this. WHO has said that the corona virus is constantly circulating and evolving.

In such a situation, it is necessary to monitor and report it. Doctor S. Wesley Long told news agency Reuters that it can take away the immunity found after corona infection.

There has been an increase of 80% in new cases of Corona worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) gave this information on Friday. During the weekly update, WHO said that 1.5 million new cases of Corona have been reported between July 10 and August 6. This is 80% more than last 28 days. However, during this period, the number of people who lost their lives to Corona has decreased by 57%.

Between June 12 and July 9, 7 lakh 94 thousand Covid cases were reported worldwide. While between July 10 and August 6, the number of new Kovid cases has increased to 15 lakh.

The WHO warned that the true figure could be even higher because there was more testing and monitoring in all countries at the time of Corona, but that is no longer the case. Due to less testing, the reported cases of corona may also decrease.

Eris Declared ‘variant of Interest’

Last week, WHO declared Omicron’s sub-variant EG.5 or Eris as a ‘Variant of Interest’ in view of increasing cases. 17% of the corona cases detected in mid-July were of this type. This was 7.6% higher than in June. A case of Aris variant surfaced in the UK on 31 July. Most of the cases of this variant are seen only in America, China and Britain.

Corona Was Removed From Global Emergency in May

Corona was removed from global emergency by WHO in May this year. However, WHO Governor General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that even though Corona is no longer a global emergency, it does not mean that it is no longer a threat. The next pandemic will surely hit the world and it could be even more dangerous than Kovid-19. In such a situation we have to prepare from now.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.