
500,000 Employees Can Use LTC on Vande Bharat Train: Chief Minister Announces New Benefit on Twitter for State Government Staff

Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel has made a significant decision to allow state government employees to travel on the Vande Bharat train for their Leave Travel Concession (LTC) benefits. State government employees are eligible for LTC/home travel every four years, with a distance limit of 6000 kilometers. 

Traditionally, employees travel by train for such journeys. Now, they can also choose to travel on the Vande Bharat train. This decision is expected to benefit approximately 500,000 government employees.

Request Made to Include Vande Bharat Train in LTC Travel Benefits

In recent years, Indian Railways has introduced the Vande Bharat train equipped with modern amenities. A request was made to the Chief Minister to include travel on the Vande Bharat train as part of the Leave Travel Concession (LTC) benefits provided to state government employees.

Chief Minister’s Employee-Friendly Decision: Vande Bharat Train Now Included in LTC

Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel, in a generous move for the benefit of employees, has decided to include travel on the Vande Bharat train in the Leave Travel Concession (LTC) from the beginning of the 2020-23 block period.

Finance Department to Issue Notification on LTC Travel Benefit

The Finance Department will issue a notification regarding this decision under the guidance of the Chief Minister. The decision will benefit five lakh state government employees during their Leave Travel Concession (LTC) period.

4% Increase in Dearness Allowance Announced for State Government Employees

A month ago, Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel announced a 4% increase in dearness allowance for state government employees covered under the Seventh Pay Commission, effective from January 1, 2024. 

This increase in dearness allowance will benefit a total of 4.71 lakh state government and panchayat service employees, as well as approximately 4.73 lakh retired employees or pensioners. In total, around 9.44 lakh employees and pensioners will benefit from this decision.

Rahul Sharma

My name is Rahul Sharma. As a passionate writer and explorer, I'm always seeking inspiration in lifestyle, fashion, beauty, food & drink, and travel. With years of experience in the industry, I bring a unique perspective to my writing, blending my love for culture, style, and adventure.