Food & DrinkLifestyle

Unpleasant Encounter: Cockroach Emerges from Kulcha at Gwalia Restaurant – Manager Apologizes

Various hotels and restaurants in Ahmedabad have recently been in the news for serving substandard and living organisms along with food. Not only pizzas and pastas, but even in vegetable kulchas, worms have been found. A well-known Gwalior restaurant located on Sindhubhavan Road in the city has given a bitter experience to a family that went there to dine. The family had ordered vegetable kulchas, and to their horror, they found a live worm in it. Concerned about the potential health risks of consuming such food, the family lodged a complaint with the restaurant manager, who later apologized and sought forgiveness for the incident.

Cockroach Found in Vegetable Kulcha

According to available information, a family residing in Chandlodia, an extension of the city, had a daughter who had come from Australia to Ahmedabad. They decided to dine at the renowned Gwalior restaurant on Sindhubhavan Road. Ordering various dishes, including vegetable kulchas, the family was taken aback when they discovered a half-dead cockroach in the vegetable kulcha. This alarmed the family as they were worried that consuming such food might adversely affect their health. Disturbed by the incident, they complained to the restaurant’s manager, who immediately apologized and requested forgiveness.

Apology After Disturbing Incident

The family, along with responsible individuals, including the restaurant manager, attended a meeting to register their complaint. During the discussion, the manager apologized and asked for forgiveness for the incident. They returned the food and the family accepted the apology. However, the family questioned the safety standards and wondered if the incident had occurred in another dish, the responsibility for the same would have rested with them. Although the family expressed their dissatisfaction in writing, they were only apologized to and received no assurance regarding food safety checks in the future.

No Action Taken, Only Apology

Despite the family’s written complaint, the manager and the restaurant staff apologized but did not take any concrete action. They mentioned that there is no mechanism to check food safety in vegetable kulchas or any other food item. The family also informed the Municipal Corporation’s Food Department about the incident, hoping that the department’s team would take appropriate action.

Rahul Sharma

My name is Rahul Sharma. As a passionate writer and explorer, I'm always seeking inspiration in lifestyle, fashion, beauty, food & drink, and travel. With years of experience in the industry, I bring a unique perspective to my writing, blending my love for culture, style, and adventure.