
Reduce Stress by 14% with Just 20 Minutes of Walking Daily: Lower Risks of Sugar, BP, Cholesterol

In today’s busy life, it’s common for people to be surrounded by worries. People often feel anxious about minor issues and the future. A bit of worry is normal, but when it becomes serious, it’s important to address it and reduce it. Those who are overly anxious may face problems like high blood pressure, stress or anxiety, panic attacks, etc.

Reducing Stress and Anxiety by Walking

According to scientific research, walking for a short time can help reduce anxiety and stress. A 2023 study from Harvard Medical School suggests that just 20 minutes of walking per day can reduce stress and anxiety by up to 14%. Many other studies also show that walking is very beneficial for both physical and mental health. Incorporating it into our daily routine can reduce the likelihood of many illnesses. The American Psychological Association considers walking a type of ‘mood booster.’ Physical activity helps bring positive changes to the brain and improves our mood. Walking increases blood flow and oxygen, releasing ‘happy hormones’ like endorphins and serotonin, especially if you walk at a brisk pace. Additionally, it also reduces stress levels.

The Harmful Effects of Anxiety and Stress on the Body

Excessive worry, overthinking, and stress can be harmful to the body in many ways. They can lead to high blood pressure and weakened immune system, and sometimes even take the form of depression.

Walking as a Remedy for Mental Health

We all know that walking helps in weight loss, but it also has mental health benefits. Walking improves mental health. Many experts believe that regular walking is as effective as ‘antidepressants’ in treating anxiety and stress. Physiotherapist Dr. B. Kumar explains that people who stay active, walk daily, and exercise have lower rates of anxiety and depression compared to others. Morning and evening are the best times to walk. During these times, you can be close to nature, experience fresh air, and enjoy a peaceful environment, which can reduce anxiety.

Enhancing Energy Levels with Walking

Researchers have found that walking for 20-30 minutes increases energy levels in the body. For those living in villages or green areas away from city noise and pollution, being close to nature is like nectar. But for city dwellers with no access to green spaces, there’s no need to worry. According to a study published in ‘Science Direct,’ climbing and descending stairs is also very beneficial for boosting energy and improving mood, even more effective than caffeine.

Benefits of Walking in Nature

A study published in the Molecular Psychiatry Journal states that any form of walking is beneficial. Walking for an hour in nature can significantly reduce stress as our brain responds very positively to it. Additionally, walking in the morning provides the body with vitamin D from the sun. Even a 20-30 minute walk after lunch can reduce stress hormone cortisol.

Daily Walking Recommendations

Physiotherapist Dr. B. Kumar suggests starting with at least 30 minutes of walking five days a week to achieve better health benefits. This will allow you to notice the changes in your body. If you suffer from any illness, consult your doctor before starting any new exercise routine. If walking for 30 minutes at a stretch is difficult, you can split it into three 10-minute sessions throughout the day and gradually increase the time.

The Impact of Regular Walking on Stress

According to a study published in the ‘JAMA Network,’ people who walk for two and a half hours each week have a 25% lower risk of stress compared to those who do not engage in any physical activity.

How Much Should You Walk Daily?

There is no fixed time for walking, but you can start with 10-15 minutes. Dr. B. Kumar suggests incorporating regular walking into your lifestyle with the following tips:

  • Instead of using the elevator, use the stairs in your home or office.
  • Prefer walking instead of driving to nearby markets.
  • You can also walk a bit further to have evening tea at the office.
  • If you have a pet dog, take it out for a walk; it’s a great way to get exercise.
  • If you cannot walk outside, you can walk on your home’s terrace, garden, or balcony.

Anusha Aggarwal

My name is Anusha Aggarwal. With a deep fascination for the science behind health, hair care, skin care, and body care, I'm a dedicated writer committed to helping readers achieve optimal wellness. Through years of research and personal experience, I provide expert insights into the latest trends and techniques in the beauty and wellness.