
Putin Claims Cancer Vaccine Near Completion: A Potential Lifesaver

Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated that scientists in his country are working to develop a cancer vaccine in a short period. Putin provided this information during the Moscow Forum on Future Technology.

Putin claimed that the cancer vaccine would be available to patients in a short time. However, he did not specify when the vaccine will be available and what types of cancer it will target. He also did not provide any details on how the vaccine will be disseminated to the public.

Regarding the cancer drug’s human trial, in September 2023, the human trial of a cancer drug named AOH1996 began in the United States. Scientists believe that this drug can eliminate cancer tumors without harming healthy cells.

Scientists have announced that the drug is inspired by Olivia, who was born in 1996. She had neuroblastoma, a cancer that ended in 2005 when she was nine years old. Neuroblastoma is a cancer that affects children and develops in the adrenal glands, located in the abdomen, chest, and neck bones.

A scientist said, “We dedicate the new cancer-killing drug, named AOH1996, to Olivia Heli, who was nine years old. The company-government partnership has struck a deal with the German biotech company Bioentech for the cancer vaccine. The target is to treat 10,000 cancer patients by 2030. Moderna and Merck companies are developing a skin cancer vaccine.”

In India, more women than men suffer from cancer. In 2022, there were 14.13 lakh new cancer cases reported in India, with 7.22 lakh cases among women and 6.91 lakh cases among men. In 2022, there were 9.16 lakh deaths due to cancer.

Evaluation – Cancer cases in India are projected to increase by 12% over five years. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) estimates that cancer cases in the country will increase by 12% over five years, but the greatest concern is the rise in cancer incidence among young people. According to research published in Nature Journal, lifestyle is the biggest factor in developing cancer at a young age.

According to data from the Global Cancer Observatory, breast, prostate, and thyroid cancers are most common before the age of 50. In India, breast cancer, oral cancer, cervical cancer, and lung cancer are the most commonly reported cases.

Anusha Aggarwal

My name is Anusha Aggarwal. With a deep fascination for the science behind health, hair care, skin care, and body care, I'm a dedicated writer committed to helping readers achieve optimal wellness. Through years of research and personal experience, I provide expert insights into the latest trends and techniques in the beauty and wellness.