
Show Cause Notices Issued to Chief Officer of Fire Brigade and Four Engineers by VMC Commissioner

In a significant development, Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) Commissioner Dilip Kumar Rana has taken decisive action by issuing show cause notices to five engineers, one of whom holds the position of Chief Officer-in-Charge of the Fire Brigade. The notices have been issued in response to concerns regarding their alleged negligence in the execution of their duties, resulting in the forfeiture of their assignments.

Vadodara Municipal Corporation Commissioner, Dilipkumar Rana, Asserts Firm Administrative Control

Commissioner Dilipkumar Rana of the Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) has demonstrated his resolute commitment to streamlining the administrative system. In a noteworthy development, Commissioner Rana provided unequivocal responses to certain elected representatives during a comprehensive meeting, sparking political discourse and public attention.

The proactive stance taken by Commissioner Rana underscores his dedication to ensuring effective and efficient governance within the municipal corporation. His willingness to engage in open dialogue and provide candid answers demonstrates the VMC’s commitment to transparent and accountable administrative practices.

In parallel, Commissioner Rana has initiated a significant administrative measure by issuing formal notices to five engineers, among them the Chief Officer of the Fire Brigade. These notices have been served in response to identified concerns related to their alleged performance lapses and negligence in fulfilling their responsibilities.

Statement by Chief Officer-in-Charge of Fire Brigade, Partha Brahmabhat, in Response to Municipal Commissioner’s Notice

In response to the notice issued by the Municipal Commissioner, I would like to provide an explanation regarding the events surrounding the inclusion of seven villages within the limits of Vadodara Corporation and the construction of a new fire station and staff quarters on Vasana Bhayli Road.

The decision to extend the boundaries of Vadodara Corporation to encompass seven villages was made with the intention of providing essential facilities to the residents of the rapidly developing Bhayli and its surrounding areas. It was in line with the civic administration’s commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of the community.

The construction of the new fire station and staff quarters on Vasana Bhayli Road was undertaken as part of this initiative. The objective was to equip the area with the necessary fire-fighting capabilities and infrastructure to respond promptly to emergencies.

A launch program was organized to mark the completion of this fire brigade construction project, and it was attended by prominent leaders from the Dandak Legislative Assembly. Given my role as the Head of the Fire Services Department, it was expected that I would take necessary actions to ensure the successful and smooth execution of the program.

I acknowledge that my absence from the program, along with the absence of any officer under my command, is a matter of serious concern. I deeply regret any inconvenience or disruption that my absence may have caused.

I would like to assure the Municipal Commissioner and all concerned parties that I take full responsibility for my absence and the absence of my subordinates during the program. I understand the importance of my role in such events, and I am committed to ensuring that such oversights do not occur in the future.

Response by Rajendra Vasawa, Executive Engineer of West Zone, to the Notice Issued by the Municipal Commissioner

I am writing to provide a detailed response to the notice issued by the Municipal Commissioner regarding the recent water overflow issues in the Samnvay waste field area within the Bhaili area. I take full responsibility for the situation and wish to address the concerns raised.

I acknowledge that in the regular review meetings held every week, instructions were given to ensure proper vigilance for the swift resolution of water overflow issues, particularly during the monsoon season. It is regrettable that despite these instructions, water accumulated in the Samnvay waste field area for the past two days, leading to inconvenience for the residents.

I would like to offer an explanation for the lapse in this instance. While we had taken proactive measures and had a well-structured plan in place to manage water overflow during the monsoon, unforeseen circumstances led to a delay in its execution. The unprecedented and heavy rainfall that occurred during this period resulted in a higher-than-expected volume of water, overwhelming our existing infrastructure and resources.

I assure the Municipal Commissioner and the concerned authorities that this delay was not due to negligence or indifference in performance. My team and I have been diligently working to address the situation and have taken immediate steps to mitigate the water overflow issue in the Samnvay waste field area.

Response by Rajesh Shimpi, Executive Engineer of the Drainage Department, to the Notice Issued by the Municipal Commissioner

I am writing in response to the notice issued by the Municipal Commissioner regarding the construction of a drainage manhole measuring eight feet in length, four feet in width, and three feet in height in the middle of the road leading to Jambua village. I take full responsibility for the situation and would like to provide a detailed explanation.

The decision to construct this drainage manhole in the middle of the road was made with the intention of ensuring that it runs parallel to the level of the road. This design was chosen to prevent any obstruction to the citizens using the public road. However, I acknowledge that there is a significant issue concerning the height of the drainage manhole, which stands at three feet, on a road that is 24 meters wide.

I deeply regret the oversight in this matter, as it represents a double liability and poses a serious risk of accidents due to its unusual height. The safety and convenience of the public are of utmost importance, and it is essential that our infrastructure projects adhere to the highest safety standards.

I understand that there was a lapse in proper supervision and control on my part, and I take full responsibility for this shortcoming. It is crucial for our department to maintain stringent oversight during construction projects to ensure that they meet the necessary specifications and safety requirements.

Response by Bharat Rana, Executive Engineer of the Street Light Department, to the Show Cause Notice

I am writing to respond to the show cause notice issued to me regarding the maintenance of essential services such as street lights and traffic signals within the corporation area. I understand the gravity of the situation, and I wish to provide a comprehensive explanation.

As the Executive Engineer of the Street Light Department, it is indeed my responsibility to ensure the proper functioning of essential services, including street lights and traffic signals. I am aware that maintaining adequate vigilance over the operational status of street lights during the night is crucial for the safety and convenience of the citizens within the corporation area. Regular monitoring and adherence to established guidelines are integral to this responsibility, and these aspects have been emphasized in weekly review meetings.

I acknowledge that there have been instances of street lights above the Chhani Bridge being switched off repeatedly, as well as the lights on roads leading to Yoga Niketan Road and Chhani. These repeated occurrences have undoubtedly inconvenienced the citizens who rely on well-lit streets for safe nighttime movement.

Response by Narendra Rabari, Deputy Executive Engineer of Ward No. 10, West Zone, to the Notice Issued by the Commissioner

I am writing to provide a response to the notice issued by the Commissioner regarding my responsibilities for essential services such as the water and sewerage system and roads in Ward No. 10 of the West Zone. I take this matter seriously and would like to offer a detailed explanation.

I acknowledge that, as Deputy Executive Engineer, it is my duty to oversee and maintain crucial services, including the water and sewerage system, as well as roads, within my designated area. Additionally, I am aware that during the monsoon season, we have been instructed in weekly review meetings to exercise vigilance and take necessary measures to address waterlogging issues promptly.

I regret to learn that residents have been facing difficulties due to the improper disposal of water in the Samnway waste field area in the Bhaili area for the past two days. I understand the frustration and inconvenience this situation has caused to the community, and I take full responsibility for the lapse.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.