
Vadodara-Based Unani Practitioner Faces Legal Action for Alleged Rs. 3.5 Lakh Patient Scam

A Vadodara-based Unani doctor is currently under scrutiny following allegations of engaging in fraudulent activities. The doctor stands accused of deceiving an advocate out of Rs. 3.51 lakh by promising medical treatment for the advocate’s wife. This incident highlights the significance of maintaining trust and integrity in the medical profession.

In accordance with the formal complaint lodged by Mr. Niranjan Kumar with the J P Road police station, it is alleged that the aforementioned doctor, in collaboration with his assistant, absconded with the monetary sum in question, failing to fulfill the agreed-upon medical treatment.

The individual filing the complaint was introduced to the doctor by a person named Nitin Agrawal, who conveyed that the doctor had successfully addressed health issues afflicting his mother. Subsequently, Mr. Agrawal engaged in a conversation with both parties, seeking information regarding the specific health challenges encountered by the advocate’s spouse. This interaction transpired in the Alkapuri locality of the city during the month of November 2021.

Mr. Kumar conveyed that his wife was experiencing considerable discomfort in her knees and waist, rendering her unable to walk. Subsequent to this revelation, Mr. Agrawal provided Mr. Kumar with the doctor’s contact details, recounting a personal experience wherein the doctor had effectively assisted his own mother in addressing analogous health issues.

On the subsequent day, both the doctor and his assistant visited the residence of the advocate, where they proposed a course of treatment for the advocate’s spouse, as reported by the Times of India. The doctor levied a fee of Rs. 3.51 lakh for the prescribed treatment, assuring a comprehensive resolution of the ailment. Following the receipt of payment and the conclusion of the treatment regimen, the doctor departed, subsequently following up on the patient’s well-being two days later.

Subsequent to a brief period, Mr. Kumar apprised the doctor of his wife’s persisting discomfort. In response, the doctor assured Mr. Kumar of promptly dispatching his wife’s medical test results. Regrettably, it came to light that the doctor’s contact number was unresponsive, and furthermore, his whereabouts became unknown, leading to his disappearance.

Upon seeking information from Mr. Agrawal regarding the doctor’s whereabouts, Mr. Agrawal posited that the doctor could potentially be away on travel. However, subsequent to this exchange, Mr. Kumar’s attempts to establish contact with Mr. Agrawal also proved futile, as Mr. Agrawal too became inaccessible. In response to these circumstances, Mr. Kumar took the step of filing a formal complaint at the local police station.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.