
Udhayanidhi Stalin Vows to Reiterate his Sanatan Dharma Remark Amidst Controversy

DMK Leader and Tamil Nadu Youth Welfare Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin’s recent assertion that Sanatan Dharma is fundamentally incompatible with the principles of social justice and should therefore be eradicated has ignited a significant political controversy.

Nevertheless, Tamil Nadu Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin maintained his resolute stance on Monday, stating, “Two days ago, I addressed a gathering on the topic of Sanatana Dharma. I wish to reiterate that I stand by my words and will continue to express the same sentiment repeatedly. My remarks encompassed all religions, not singling out Hindus exclusively. My intention was to criticize the prevailing caste-based disparities within our society.”

Unperturbed by the controversy, Udhayanidhi Stalin, the son of Chief Minister M.K. Stalin, remained steadfast in his commitment to what he perceives as the voice of the oppressed. He expressed his readiness to face challenges, whether in a legal forum or the court of public opinion.

Drawing an analogy between Sanatan Dharma and diseases like coronavirus, malaria, and dengue fever caused by mosquitoes, Udhayanidhi suggested that such elements should not merely be opposed but eradicated entirely.

During his speech at a gathering of the Tamil Nadu Progressive Writers and Artists Association, Udhayanidhi Stalin articulated his belief that Sanatan Dharma is inherently opposed to principles of equality and social justice.

Udhayanidhi Stalin continued his critique by examining the linguistic roots of the term “Sanatan,” which he noted is derived from Sanskrit. He expounded, “What does ‘Sanatan’ mean? It signifies eternity, implying that it is unchangeable and unquestionable.” He further alleged that Sanatan Dharma, as he perceives it, perpetuates division among people based on caste.

Udhayanidhi expanded on his views via a microblogging platform, asserting, “Sanatan Dharma is a doctrine that fosters divisions among people, predicated on caste and religion.” He contended that eradicating Sanatan Dharma equates to upholding the values of humanity and promoting human equality.

Udhayanidhi emphatically reiterated his unwavering commitment to every word he had spoken, asserting that he represents the interests of oppressed and marginalized communities who, in his view, suffer as a consequence of Sanatan Dharma.

Udhayanidhi Stalin affirmed his readiness to provide comprehensive documentation, including the extensive writings of Periyar and Ambedkar, both of whom conducted extensive research on Sanatan Dharma and its perceived detrimental influence on society. He expressed his willingness to present this information in any appropriate forum.

Reiterating the central theme of his speech, Udhayanidhi likened the propagation of Sanatan Dharma to the transmission of diseases like COVID-19, dengue, and malaria through mosquitoes, suggesting that it is responsible for several social ills. He emphasized his preparedness to face any challenges that may arise, whether within a legal framework or in the court of public opinion. Additionally, he called for an end to the spread of misinformation or “fake news” regarding his statements.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.