
Tragic Demise of Two Dalit Students in Hostel: Suicide or Murder? Unveiling a Disturbing Note

On February 3rd, Saturday, two students, Bhavya and Vaishnavi, returned to the hostel from Hyderabad’s nearby Bhuvanagiri district. They entered their respective rooms and locked the doors. They did not attend the hostel’s tuition classes that evening, so a teacher instructed another student to call Bhavya and Vaishnavi. Despite continuous knocking, the doors remained closed. When a student peeked through the window, they saw Bhavya and Vaishnavi hanging. Staff members removed their bodies and took them to the district hospital. Doctors declared them dead. Bhavya and Vaishnavi belonged to the Scheduled Caste. Investigations commenced after their deaths. The hostel staff claimed it was an accident.

Allegations from Family: Suicide Note and Bullying

The family alleges that someone wrote a suicide note, and only one person, their friend, carried out the act. The family claims that the hostel warden troubled both girls. The warden allegedly accused Bhavya and Vaishnavi of ragging other girls in the hostel. Post-mortems of the girls’ bodies were conducted on February 4th. The preliminary report mentioned injuries on their bodies.

The suicide note reads, “We are leaving this world. We are very sorry. We haven’t done anything wrong, so we don’t accept the words spoken against us. Apart from Shailaja Ma’am, no one trusted us. We are leaving from this world without expressing our pain to anyone. Bury us together. This is our final wish.”

A friend mentioned that she heard about an argument with the teacher, but there is no further information.

Upon discovering the bodies of Bhavya and Vaishnavi, their friend Bhuvaneshwari stated, “It was around 8 PM. The teacher had sent for Bhavya and Vaishnavi. I reached their room and knocked on the door, but there was no response. After ten minutes, we found them hanging from the ceiling fan.”


Accusations from Sister: Injuries before Post-mortem

Bhavya’s sister Ramya alleges that at around 11 PM, staff members took Bhavya to the hospital. The family questions why the family wasn’t informed until then. At the hospital, they didn’t conduct post-mortems on the girls. The staff didn’t even reveal their faces. When the police were informed, they didn’t grant permission. It seemed suspicious that everything was coordinated.

Regarding the suicide note, Ramya questions, “Look at the language of the suicide note. It seems it was written calmly. The handwriting of both girls is identical. Why would anyone express their pain without mentioning their parents or surprising anyone? There is no mention of anyone surprising Mummy-Papa or who would be surprised after them.


Father’s Allegations: Relationship between Warden and Auto Driver

The next day, on Sunday, locals gathered outside the Bhuvanagiri Police Station. They also accused the warden of Bhavya’s murder. Bhavya’s father Sukesh alleged that the hostel warden had an illicit relationship with an auto driver. Vaishnavi and Bhavya got to know about it, and since then, the warden started harassing them.

According to sources, the hostel warden, Shailaja, informed the police in her statement that there was an ongoing dispute among students. Some 7th-grade students had filed a complaint against Bhavya and Vaishnavi for ragging. Apart from Bhavya and Vaishnavi, some other students also faced allegations of ragging. The issue was minor, so it was resolved.

Dispute with Driver

Vaishnavi’s uncle, Gopal, says, “There was a quarrel with the auto driver at home. Vaishnavi had called her parents and informed them that there was an argument with the auto driver. Vaishnavi also mentioned that she doesn’t want to stay here anymore. She wants to be taken away from here. Her parents were told that there is an exam in two months. After completing the exam, she will continue to stay at home.”

Vaishnavi Demanded 5,000 from Mother

Vaishnavi’s mother, Suvarna, says, “On Saturday afternoon, Vaishnavi demanded ₹5,000 from me. I transferred the money online to her. Later, when I called to ask if she received the money or not, she didn’t answer my call. Her phone remained unanswered until the evening. So, I called her teacher, Sujata. She said she’s busy, and I should talk to Vaishnavi later.


Tragic Events Unfold: Suicide or Murder?

Later, at 11 PM, a teacher called me and said my daughter is injured and being taken to the hospital. I called Madam Sujata again; she said Vaishnavi attempted suicide by hanging herself. My question is, if my daughter wanted to commit suicide, why did she ask me for ₹5,000? She didn’t commit suicide; she was murdered.”

Investigation of Accident and Death Underway

Based on the family’s complaint, the police have filed a complaint against Warden Shailja, auto driver Anjaneyu, teacher Sujata, Sulochana, Pratibha, and tuition teacher Bhuvaneshwari. Investigations are currently ongoing, and questioning is in progress.

Preliminary Findings and Further Investigation

Inspector Suresh states, “In the initial investigation, it has come to light that several junior students had complained. Following this, counseling was conducted for the students by the warden. At that time, the matter seemed to have been resolved, but upon seeing the suicide note, it appears that the girls were distressed about something. All types of investigations are being conducted in this case.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.