
Tamil Nadu ED Officer Nabbed Taking 20 Lakh Bribe, Demanded 51 Lakh, Citing PM Office Order

The Anti-Corruption and Vigilance Team (DVAC) of Tamil Nadu launched an investigation on Friday against an Enforcement Directorate (ED) official. According to statements from the anti-corruption team, an ED officer allegedly demanded a lunch worth ₹51 lakh as a threat to a government doctor involved in an old case. The doctor initially paid ₹20 lakh in the first week, following which, the accused ED official reportedly pressured the doctor to quickly pay the remaining ₹51 lakh, or face significant consequences. The identity of the implicated ED officer has been disclosed as Ankit Tiwari.

Ankit Tiwari Posted in Madurai ED Office

Ankit Tiwari, the ED official under investigation, is posted in the Madurai ED office. On October 29, Ankit reportedly contacted a government doctor regarding a case, which had already been resolved. The doctor, fearing consequences, paid ₹20 lakh in the first week of November. Later, Ankit allegedly threatened the doctor over the phone, insisting on the immediate payment of the remaining ₹51 lakh. The doctor complied, paying the demanded amount on November 1.

Initially Demanding 3 Crores, Ankit Settles for 51 Lakhs

Upon hearing Ankit’s demands, the doctor was fearful. When Ankit arrived at the ED office the next day, he entered the doctor’s residence and informed him that to avoid legal action, he must pay ₹3 crores. Subsequently, the doctor paid ₹51 lakh, after which Ankit reportedly made threatening calls, stating that if the remaining amount was not paid soon, significant legal consequences would follow.

Doctor Files Complaint Against Ankit, ED Officer Arrested

Amidst growing concerns over Ankit’s behavior, the doctor filed a complaint against him on November 30. Following the complaint, the DVAC officers arrested Ankit Tiwari on charges related to corruption and threats. Ankit was produced before the Judicial Magistrate on December 15.

Anti-Corruption Team Investigates, CRPF Also on the Scene

Simultaneously, the Anti-Corruption Team is conducting searches in Ankit Tiwari’s house in Madurai. Concerns have been raised about Ankit possibly threatening other officials in a similar manner, prompting searches in various locations. A CRPF team visited the ED sub-zone office on Friday night, where DVAC officials are jointly investigating the case with Ankit Tiwari. The situation is still unfolding, and further details are awaited.

Viral Video of Lunch with Revenue Official in Chhattisgarh

In a separate incident, a video of a revenue officer having lunch has gone viral on social media in Chhattisgarh. The video allegedly features Vijay Kumar, a revenue official, openly enjoying a meal. Vijay Kumar is heard saying that he will quickly settle the matter and requests the person recording the video to be patient. The authenticity and context of the video are yet to be verified.


Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.