
Suspected Relationship Leads to Murder: Brother Kills Young Man, Throws Body in Canal

The body of a 19-year-old youth from Chandkheda was found in the Narmada canal. Initially, the police were investigating the case from a murder angle, suspecting foul play due to apparent signs of injury on the body. Later, the investigation revealed that the incident stemmed from suspicions of an illicit relationship between the victim and his neighbor’s sister. The neighbor called out to the youth while he was outside with his sister, and then, along with a friend, verbally abused him and began assaulting him with sticks and rods. As the situation escalated, the 19-year-old tried to escape but couldn’t climb out of the canal, leading to his tragic demise. Following the investigation into the entire incident, the Chandkheda police apprehended the accused and charged them with murder.

The youth, who resided in the Chandkheda area, had concerns about his sister having an illicit relationship. Information obtained from police sources indicates that the youth, living in proximity to his neighbors, plotted to murder the youth he met with his friend. According to police sources, the youth harbored suspicions about his sister having an inappropriate relationship. These suspicions were solely based on doubts and had no factual basis. However, based on these suspicions, he devised a plan to kill the youth, whom he encountered daily. One day, he was at his home when he called his friend, and together they went a little way from there.

The youth, who was recognized by his neighbor, asked him to come outside, mentioning that he wanted to go somewhere. As the neighbor already knew him and was acquainted with him, he followed the youth’s instruction and went outside where the youth’s vehicle was waiting. This was where the youth had planned to meet. Previously, according to the plan, the youth had been taken near the Narmada canal, where he was beaten with the sticks he had brought with him. The youth had not intended to beat him, but the situation escalated to the point where he resorted to violence, and the youth could not defend himself. Now, based on these suspicions, the entire incident of the youth being beaten near the canal will be investigated.

Afterwards, the police uncovered the murder. The youth was in such a critical condition that he could not save himself, leading to his demise. The entire conspiracy behind the murder and its execution has been investigated and unraveled by the police through technical support.

A kidnapping case has emerged in the city, where a complaint of abduction was lodged at the Chandkheda Police Station based on received information. According to the details, Koushikbhai Suthar, residing in Chandkheda, reported the complaint and mentioned that he has two sons, both employed, with the elder one, Mohit, working at a major motor company. On February 29th, the family was present at home. However, when Mohit did not return home, their search began. His phone was also switched off. Later, they found out that Mohit had been taken by their neighbor, Mit Jayram Rabari, who resides in the same society. Mit’s father mentioned that if they want to see their son again, they should visit them. Subsequently, they noticed that Mit’s family was continuously leaving their house, and his mobile was also switched off. Following this, the family lodged a kidnapping complaint at the Chandkheda Police Station.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.