Surat Civil: Nurse Revives Baby in Maternity Emergency; Doctor-Nursing Staff Rushed; Saree Cordoned Delivery
In a surprising turn of events, a 25-year-old woman unexpectedly went into labor outside the Orthopedic Outpatient Department (OPD) of Surat Civil Hospital. The baby started coming out, leaving no chance for the woman to be taken to another department. With swift action, the cleaning staff, nurses, and other attendants used a saree and a shawl to create a makeshift delivery space and helped the woman deliver the baby. Both the newborn and the mother are reported to be in stable condition following the incident.
Woman Arrives at Civil Hospital in a Rickshaw
Poonam Anil Rathod, a 25-year-old woman residing near Navsari Bazaar in Surat, is currently expecting a baby after a pregnancy of nine months. Her prenatal care was being managed at the Civil Hospital. With the delivery date approaching, she decided to visit the hospital for a check-up today. Poonam traveled to the Civil Hospital in a rickshaw from her residence.

Emergency Birth Outside Surat Civil Hospital’s Orthopedic OPD
Outside the Orthopedic Outpatient Department (OPD) of Surat Civil Hospital, a scene of urgency unfolded as a pregnant woman experienced sudden labor pains while en route to receive medical attention. Amidst the attempt to transport her on a stretcher, the unexpected onset of labor led to the birth of the baby outside the OPD, where bystanders gathered. The nursing staff and Emergency Ward in-charge, Iqbal Kadiwala, promptly responded to the situation, followed by the summoning of cleaning personnel and additional nursing staff to cordon off the area using sarees and shawls.

Emergency Delivery Conducted Outside the OPD
During a critical moment, an emergency delivery took place outside the Outpatient Department (OPD) of Surat Civil Hospital. Nursing staff member Ikbal Kadivala revealed, “I had gone to the Orthopedic department for work when I witnessed the situation.” Promptly, the nursing staff and cleaning personnel were informed about the incident. The baby was born outside, and the mother was in distress. With the assistance of a doctor, the delivery was successfully conducted right there.

Nurse Saves Infant with CPR Outside Maternity Ward
It was revealed that a nurse revived a baby who had stopped breathing by performing CPR. The nurse noticed that the newborn was not breathing and took immediate action. Subsequently, with the assistance of Dr. Anjali, the mother and the baby were transferred to the labor room. Hansa Vasava and Ranjan Chaudhari, members of the nursing staff, swiftly escorted the mother and baby to the labor ward.
Both mother and baby are reported to be in good health. The cleaning staff provided a saree for the mother and the nursing staff provided a shawl, creating a conducive environment for the delivery.