
Resolution Reached: Controversy Over Sarangpur Hanumanji’s Paintings to be Resolved in 2 Days

In a significant meeting, religious leaders and saints came together to discuss the controversy surrounding Salangpur Hanumanji’s paintings. It was a positive step towards resolving the issue, with Kothari Swami from Sarangpur assuring that the paintings will be removed within 2 days.

Sarangpur Temple Controversy: Religious Leaders and Saints Hold Meeting to Resolve Paintings Dispute

In a significant gathering, religious leaders, saints, and Swaminarayan saints convened to discuss the controversy surrounding the paintings at Salangpur Hanumanji Temple. The meeting aimed at finding an amicable resolution to the dispute. During this meeting, the Kothari Swami of Sarangpur assured that the paintings would be removed within 2 days.

After the dispute escalated, a delegation of saints arrived in Salangpur to hold discussions. The delegation’s requests were met with a positive response, and there won’t be a recurrence of such issues, assured Kothari Swami. In a short time, a resolution is expected. Following the discussions with Kothari Swami and other saints, a decision will be made within 2 days.

The controversy over Hanumanji’s paintings in Sarangpur had been ongoing. However, a fruitful meeting between saints from the Swaminarayan sect and other saints has been held to find a harmonious solution. Discussions also took place on various requests put forth during the meeting. Finally, with Kothari Swami’s commitment to making fair decisions on all matters, it seems that this dispute will come to an end.

For the first time in Ahmedabad, a public announcement was made during the meeting of saints that there would be an exclusion of the Swaminarayan sect. The decision for a collective exclusion of the Swaminarayan sect was taken by the saints of the Sanatan Dharma, where Swaminarayan sect’s saints were not allowed to sit on the stage or participate in any events related to Sanatan Dharma.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.