
Nameplate Desecration at AMC: Saffron Plates Outside Officials’ Offices – Mayor Pratibha Jain Reacts

Now, even nameplates in the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation will have a saffron color. The decision to install saffron nameplates outside the offices of top officials of the municipal corporation has been taken. The Mayor clarified that the decision to put up saffron nameplates is not meant to change the color of the nameplates but is a symbol of respect. It also represents the color associated with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The issue of changing the color of nameplates is not up for discussion.

Saffron-Colored Nameplates Spark Discussion

Officials and dignitaries of the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation have now put up saffron nameplates and directional boards on the floors of their offices, all in saffron color. The Mayor, along with five other top officials, had saffron nameplates on their offices until today. This change to saffron nameplates has sparked a discussion about changing the color of nameplates in various offices. During times when citizens come to the offices of various committees, deputy chairpersons, and opposition leaders, they may get the impression that saffron-colored nameplates are being installed to indicate a particular political party’s affiliation, which is not the case. The issue of changing the color of nameplates is not up for discussion, and it is an attempt to create an atmosphere where saffron-colored nameplates in any office symbolize respect.

Is Saffron Nameplate Installation Limited to Just Five Places?

Saffron nameplates will only be installed outside the offices of the top five officials of the corporation. On the other hand, nameplates in various offices, including the offices of committee chairpersons, deputy chairpersons, and opposition leaders, will continue to have saffron-colored nameplates. Officials have clarified that outside their offices, they are installing saffron nameplates to create an atmosphere of respect and not to indicate any political party’s affiliation. So, the question remains: will saffron-colored nameplates be installed in all offices across the corporation in the future?

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.