
Whale Suspected as Russian Spy Found Dead in Norway, Known for Dolphin-Like Playfulness

The Russian spy beluga whale ‘Hvaldimir’ has died. According to the BBC, on August 31st, a father and son who went fishing in Norway’s Risavika Bay spotted the whale’s dead body floating.

This 14-foot-long whale was approximately 15 years old and weighed 1,225 kilograms. The body was retrieved using a crane. The cause of death is still unknown, but it is suspected that it may have resulted from a collision with a large boat. However, no visible injuries were found on its body.

Hvaldimir the whale has been sent for a post-mortem examination. The world first learned about it in 2019 when it was spotted near the coast of Norway’s Ingoya Island, 415 km from Russia. Beluga whales are not usually found in this area, so it has been under observation.

The Whale was Named After Putin

Upon close inspection, a strap was found around the whale’s neck. Cameras and devices were attached to its body, with the name of the Russian city of St. Petersburg written on them. The Russian Navy is known for training whales, which is why this whale is considered a Russian spy whale.

Western media claimed that Hvaldimir was part of a Russian project to turn animals into spies. However, Russia has never acknowledged this. In Norway, the whale is called “Hval.” Afterward, by combining the names of the whale and the Russian president, it started being referred to on social media as “Vladimir Spy Whale.”

Beluga Whales Typically Inhabit the Cold Arctic Ocean

But Hvaldimir easily lived among humans. She played with people like a dolphin would.

Hvaldimir Was Gentle and Played with Humans

Marine Mind, a Norwegian NGO that protected Hvaldimir, stated that she had been seen in several coastal areas in recent years. They immediately understood that she had a very calm nature. She enjoyed playing with people and even responded to hand signals.

The NGO stated that Hvaldimir loved playing with people. Thousands of people in Norway adored her. Her death is heartbreaking. Marine Mind said that she was last seen by them on Friday, the day before her death. At that time, she appeared normal, which is why they are eager to understand the cause of her death.

Hvaldimir Died Prematurely

Typically, the average lifespan of a beluga whale is considered to be 60 years. However, no injuries were found on her body.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.