
Record-Breaking Success: 70% Expected Pass Rate in Class 10 & 12 Results, 9-10% Surge from Last Year

The completion of the 10th and 12th board examinations along with the impending Lok Sabha elections has led to the announcement of this year’s results, which are expected to be released soon. Across Gujarat, particularly in Rajkot, the evaluation process of exam papers has been diligently underway. Conversations with over 20 teachers engaged in paper checking reveal insights into students’ performance, grading criteria, and evaluation methodologies. 

Teachers have highlighted crucial aspects, attributing positive impacts on students’ marks to the policies implemented by the education board. Last year, the rate of failure among students was notably higher, with 12 to 15 students failing out of every 100 papers checked. However, this year, the failure rate has dropped drastically to only 2 to 3 students out of every 100 papers. 

Furthermore, adjustments have been made in marking schemes, where partial marks have been generously awarded for partially correct answers, resulting in an increase in scores for many students. In Rajkot alone, approximately 12,000 papers across various subjects in 12th grade commerce are being evaluated by different subject teachers. 

Similar efforts are being undertaken in schools across the city for the assessment of 10th and 12th-grade papers. Teachers have also mentioned that the paper checking process is ongoing from 11 in the morning until 5 in the evening. 

Notably, revisions in the board’s policies, following reports published by Source, have instructed teachers to award marks to students if their answer lacks accuracy but shows an understanding of the subject. This policy change has significantly influenced the current paper checking process, leading teachers to exercise extreme caution to ensure fairness and accuracy in evaluation.

Mobile Phones Permitted for Mid-Session Evaluation but Restricted During Exams

Gujarat Board has introduced several regulations for students, one of which involves allowing students to carry digital watches or mobile phones to examination centers, but prohibiting their usage during the exam. However, for teachers conducting mid-session evaluations, a leniency has been granted regarding mobile phone usage in the evaluation centers. 

Teachers have disclosed that a significant number of them carry mobile phones, and during paper checking sessions, they often receive calls either inside or outside the evaluation centers, and sometimes even engage in conversations while assessing papers.

Board to Inquire into Absenteeism Among Exam Evaluators

The Gujarat Board has issued notices to absent teachers who were assigned to evaluate examination papers, questioning their absence from the designated evaluation centers. Currently, many of these teachers who were supposed to assess papers in mid-session evaluation centers have failed to fulfill their duties. 

The board will receive reports of this absenteeism, following which it plans to issue notices to the teachers concerned, seeking explanations for their absence. Moreover, schools will also be questioned regarding the absence of their respective teachers from paper evaluation duties. – Nileshkumar Ranipa, District Education Officer, Rajkot.

Stringent Examination Paper Evaluation Process Implemented

In a meticulous approach to ensuring accuracy and fairness in examination paper evaluation, each student’s paper is scrutinized by 6 to 7 teachers. Notably, the papers are examined using red pens to maintain uniformity and clarity in marking. The evaluation process is sectioned, where different sections of the paper are assessed by different teachers. 

For instance, Section-A might be evaluated by one teacher, followed by Section-B by another. This distribution ensures thoroughness and diversity in assessment. Additionally, a moderator oversees the entire evaluation process, meticulously reviewing the papers with a black pen and making necessary adjustments or enhancements to the marks if required.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.