
Tragic Incident Unfolds: 4-Year-Old Succumbs in Rajkot Swimming Pool, CCTV Captures Heartbreaking 30-Second Struggle

In a devastating incident in Rajkot, a 4-year-old child from a Nepali family drowned while playing in a swimming pool. Due to the absence of anyone around, the child’s body was discovered floating in the pool. 

The entire incident was captured on CCTV cameras. The Nepali family was deeply shaken by the loss of the child. Upon learning of the incident, university police promptly arrived at the scene for investigation.

File photo of dead child

CCTV Footage Details Tragic Sequence of Events at the Swimming Pool

The CCTV footage reveals a distressing series of events at the swimming pool. Four children are seen playing and running around near the poolside, accompanied by a woman. Among them, the 4-year-old child is observed alone near the edge of the pool, seemingly engaged in solitary play. 

As the woman and the other three children continue their activities, the child is seen standing alone by the pool’s edge, appearing to play with his feet in the water. Suddenly, the child appears to lose balance and slips into the deeper end of the pool, struggling to stay afloat. Within a mere 30 seconds, despite efforts to rescue him, the child tragically succumbs to the water, marking a devastating end to the sequence of events.

The child jumped into the water to escape but no one was there to save him

Tragic Incident: Child Drowns While Playing in Swimming Pool

According to reports, a tragic incident occurred yesterday evening around 4:20 PM at the Oram Apartment on the newly developed 150-foot Ring Road near Ghanteshwar Park in Vardhamannagar, Rajkot. It was reported that Amrit Lokeshbhai Vishwakarma (age 4) was playing in the swimming pool when he accidentally drowned. 

Unfortunately, his lifeless body was found in the pool. Local authorities were immediately alerted, and an ambulance from the 108 emergency services was dispatched to the scene. Medical personnel attempted to resuscitate the child upon arrival, but his condition had deteriorated beyond recovery. Consequently, the child’s family was informed of the tragic loss.

The family found the dead body of the child

Family Grieves Over Child’s Demise

Upon learning of the tragedy, Head Constable Manojbhai, accompanied by university police staff, rushed to the scene. Upon questioning the family, it was revealed that Lokeshbhai, the father of the deceased child, has three sons. They originally hail from Nepal. 

Lokeshbhai had been working as a security guard at the Oram Apartment for the past two years, where they resided in the parking area with their family. Unfortunately, the loss of one of their children in the swimming pool accident plunged the family into profound grief, affecting not only them but also resonating deeply within the apartment community.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.