
Join the Military, Fight Against Ukraine, and Receive a 1.9 Million Ruble Bonus: President Putin’s Stunning Offer

The ongoing war against Ukraine has inflicted severe damage on Russia. In this conflict, which has lasted for over two years, millions of soldiers from both sides have been killed. To increase the number of soldiers in the Russian military, officials are preparing to offer bonuses to new recruits. Preparations are also underway at the national level for Putin to implement this scheme.

According to a media report, Moscow’s Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced on Tuesday (July 23) that residents of the city joining the military will receive a one-time bonus of 1.9 million rubles, approximately ₹18,41,697.

New Soldier Benefits and Compensation Announced

New recruits in the Russian military are being offered up to 5.2 million rubles, approximately ₹49,89,324.60, during their first year of service. Additionally, those injured in the war may receive a one-time payment ranging from ₹4,76,329.82 to ₹9,53,496.77, depending on the severity of their injuries. 

The report also states that families of soldiers killed in the conflict will be compensated with ₹28.58 lakhs.

Heavy Losses for Russia

There are accusations that the Russian government is concealing the number of soldiers killed. Estimates suggest that the actual number of casualties is much higher. The UK Ministry of Defence has reported that over 70,000 soldiers were either killed or injured in the Kharkiv region alone during May and June due to heavy losses. 

American intelligence provided to Congress in December revealed that since the start of the war, Russia has lost 87% of its active ground troops and two-thirds of its tanks.

Ukraine Also Plans to Increase Military Personnel

Both sides are facing escalating losses. Russia is rapidly considering increasing its number of soldiers, with Putin ordering the recruitment of 170,000 new troops. This recruitment drive aims to increase the total number of military personnel by 15%, bringing it to over 2.2 million.

Although the recruitment campaign targeting 300,000 soldiers was halted in November 2022, Russia continues to seek soldiers from beyond its borders. Reports indicate that Russia has recruited 15,000 Nepalese citizens. Additionally, soldiers from Afghanistan, India, Congo, and Egypt are being recruited and trained at Russian military academies.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.