
Prime Minister Modi’s Address on Independence Day 2023 Highlights India’s Progress and Aspirations

On the occasion of the 77th Independence Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, delivering his address from the iconic Red Fort ramparts, extended warm greetings to the vast assemblage of 1.4 billion citizens, whom he referred to as his “Pariwarjan” or family members. The Prime Minister also highlighted the remarkable surge in trust and confidence that the nation currently witnesses, reaching an unprecedented pinnacle.

During his address to the nation on this momentous occasion, Prime Minister Modi commended the exceptional and commendable role played by healthcare professionals, with a special emphasis on the invaluable efforts of Anganwadi and ASHA workers. Their unwavering dedication and tireless commitment have been instrumental in achieving a significant milestone of administering over 200 crore Covid vaccinations. Prime Minister Modi underscored that India’s proactive assistance to the global community both during and in the aftermath of the Covid pandemic has solidified the nation’s reputation as a steadfast and reliable friend on the global stage.

Highlighting the government’s relentless commitment to enhancing the nation’s Universal Health Coverage, Prime Minister Modi emphasized that substantial strides have been taken in this endeavor. He revealed that a substantial financial investment of Rs. 70,000 crores has been directed towards the Ayushman Bharat initiative. This visionary program extends a significant healthcare safeguard, offering an annual health guarantee of Rs. 5 lakh to families falling under the Below Poverty Line (BPL) category. This monumental effort underscores the government’s resolute dedication to ensuring accessible and comprehensive healthcare services for the most vulnerable sections of society.

Shedding light on the overarching vision of “One Earth, One Health, and One Future,” Prime Minister Modi underscored the transformative impact of Jan Aushadhi Kendras. These establishments have emerged as a potent force, fortifying the nation’s middle-class by facilitating monumental savings amounting to Rs. 20,000 crores. With an unwavering commitment to this cause, the Prime Minister articulated the forthcoming trajectory, outlining an ambitious goal of augmenting the existing count of Jan Aushadhi Kendras – presently numbering 10,000 – to an impressive 25,000.

Presenting a comprehensive overview of the strides achieved over the past decade, Prime Minister Modi illuminated a compelling narrative of profound change. Emphasizing the magnitude of this transformation as a testament to the nation’s formidable capabilities, he highlighted a remarkable statistical evolution. A decade ago, the funds disbursed from the Government of India to the states amounted to 30 lakh crore rupees. In an impressive span of nine years, this financial allocation has soared to a substantial 100 lakh crore rupees, underscoring the nation’s enhanced economic prowess.

Furthermore, Prime Minister Modi noted a substantial shift in the allocation of resources for the advancement of local bodies. In times past, a sum of 70 thousand crore rupees was directed from the treasury of the Government of India towards local development initiatives. Presently, this allocation has surged exponentially, exceeding 3 lakh crore rupees. This remarkable increase signifies a resolute commitment to bolstering grassroots development and reflects the government’s unwavering dedication to fostering the growth and prosperity of local communities.

Addressing the nation, Prime Minister Modi underscored a substantial augmentation in financial outlays towards housing for the economically disadvantaged. He elucidated that in the past, an expenditure of 90 thousand crore rupees was directed towards constructing homes for the underprivileged. In a notable advancement, this allocation has burgeoned fourfold, now exceeding 4 lakh crore rupees. This profound increase underscores the government’s resolute dedication to improving the living conditions of the marginalized and promoting inclusive growth.

Additionally, Prime Minister Modi elucidated a distinctive facet of agricultural support, exemplified by the provision of urea to farmers. He highlighted that bags of urea, which command a market value of Rs. 3,000 in certain global arenas, are being extended to farmers at a nominal cost not surpassing 300 rupees. The Prime Minister articulated that the government is committed to subsidizing this critical agricultural input, manifesting in a substantial subsidy amounting to 10 lakh crore rupees. This financial reinforcement underscores the government’s concerted efforts to fortify the agricultural sector, bolster food security, and enhance the economic well-being of the farming community.

Prime Minister Modi elaborated on the transformative impact of the MUDRA Yojana, highlighting its pivotal role in empowering countless citizens to embark on entrepreneurial journeys, consequently emerging as catalysts for job generation. With a substantial budgetary allocation surpassing 20 lakh crore rupees, the MUDRA Yojana has effectively ushered in avenues for self-employment, commercial endeavors, and innovative ventures, particularly benefiting the burgeoning youth population of our nation.

The Prime Minister underscored the monumental scale of achievement, indicating that approximately eight crore individuals have embarked on the path of establishing new enterprises through the MUDRA Yojana. However, this accomplishment extends beyond mere numbers, as each of these enterprising individuals has emerged as a vital source of employment generation, typically providing opportunities to one or two additional individuals.

Addressing the recent incidents of violence in Manipur, Prime Minister Modi acknowledged a phase marked by turbulence and discord in the region. He expressed concern over reports of assaults on the dignity of women and underscored the collective resolve of the people of Manipur to uphold a climate of tranquility over a period of time. Prime Minister Modi urged for the sustained progression of this peaceful trajectory.

In response to these challenges, the Prime Minister emphasized the synergistic efforts of both the state and central governments to address and resolve these pressing issues. He reassured that the collaboration between these entities remains steadfast, dedicated to finding enduring solutions that restore stability, harmony, and security to the region. Prime Minister Modi’s remarks reflect a comprehensive commitment to fostering lasting peace and prosperity in Manipur, emblematic of the government’s unwavering dedication to the well-being of all citizens.

Prime Minister Modi underscored a significant achievement resulting from the Mudra Yojana, citing its remarkable capacity to generate employment opportunities for a substantial segment of the population. Through the participation of eight crore citizens, the Yojana has facilitated the potential to offer livelihoods to an estimated 8-10 crore new individuals. This commendable outcome attests to the program’s efficacy in not only nurturing entrepreneurship but also in enabling job creation on a substantial scale.

The Prime Minister also highlighted the pivotal role played by the government in bolstering businesses, particularly during the challenging circumstances posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Notably, Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) received vital support amounting to nearly 3.5 lakh crore rupees. This strategic intervention proved instrumental in averting the collapse of these enterprises and fortified them with the necessary resilience to weather the pandemic’s adverse impact. The government’s proactive measures serve as a testament to its commitment to safeguarding the economic fabric and sustenance of businesses, contributing to the overall stability and recovery of the nation’s economic landscape.

Prime Minister Modi also took a moment to reflect on the significant impact of the “One Rank One Pension” (OROP) initiative, underscoring its substantial contributions to the welfare of our dedicated soldiers. He noted that this pioneering initiative has translated into a substantial allocation of 70,000 crore rupees from India’s treasury, serving as a heartfelt tribute to the valor and commitment of our armed forces.

The Prime Minister emphasized that the instances mentioned earlier are merely a subset of numerous initiatives that have played a pivotal role in propelling the nation’s development trajectory while concurrently generating employment opportunities in diverse regions of the country. He highlighted that these examples are emblematic of a broader array of endeavors aimed at fostering growth, inclusivity, and progress.

Furthermore, the Prime Minister underscored the profound augmentation in the nation’s budget across various categories, in stark contrast to previous years. This substantial increase in budgetary allocations reflects the government’s resolute commitment to addressing multifaceted challenges and charting a comprehensive path towards sustainable development and economic prosperity. The Prime Minister’s remarks serve as a resounding affirmation of the government’s overarching dedication to uplifting the nation’s socio-economic landscape, fostering employment, and nurturing an environment conducive to holistic growth.

The Prime Minister shared that the collective impact of these concerted efforts has led to a transformative outcome – a staggering 13.5 crore individuals have successfully transcended the shackles of poverty and have ascended to a newly emerged middle-class status. This noteworthy achievement has materialized within a single five-year tenure of the government. The Prime Minister underscored that there exists no greater sense of fulfillment than witnessing this profound positive change unfold.

He went on to elaborate on the diverse range of initiatives that have facilitated this remarkable transition. These encompass housing schemes, the allocation of 50,000 crore rupees to support street vendors through the PM SVANidhi scheme, and an array of other strategic interventions. These dynamic measures have collectively empowered and uplifted the lives of these 13.5 crore individuals, enabling them to surmount the challenges of poverty and embrace newfound opportunities for personal growth and socio-economic advancement. This accomplishment stands as a testament to the government’s unwavering commitment to inclusive progress and its resolute dedication to improving the lives of its citizens.

The Prime Minister elucidated the instrumental role played by India’s G20 Presidency in showcasing the immense potential inherent within its citizenry to the global community. He underscored that this platform has effectively highlighted the capabilities and aspirations of the ordinary Indian citizen, positioning the nation as a beacon of possibility on the international stage.

The Prime Minister emphasized the conviction that India’s potential and opportunities are on an unequivocal trajectory towards unprecedented zeniths of confidence and achievement. He emphasized the imperative of harnessing this newfound confidence in conjunction with untapped potential to catalyze further advancement. The Prime Minister’s sentiments underscore the nation’s resolute commitment to embracing these transformative opportunities, thus heralding a new era of prosperity and growth that rests on a foundation of boundless self-assurance.

“India’s stewardship of the G20 presidency has been instrumental in illuminating the vast potential embedded within the everyday citizens of our nation. At present, India stands at the cusp of hosting the prestigious G-20 Summit within its borders. Over the past year, a series of diverse G-20 events have been seamlessly orchestrated across every corner of the country, collectively serving as a poignant testament to the extraordinary capabilities inherent in the ordinary Indian populace.”

Prime Minister Modi articulated that the Ministry of Jal Shakti is steadfastly prioritizing the imperative of facilitating the provision of clean and safe drinking water to every individual across the expanse of our nation. He underscored the commitment towards amplifying efforts aimed at constructing resilient infrastructures to safeguard our environment, further solidifying this commitment to sustainable development.

Reflecting on India’s remarkable response during the trying times of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Prime Minister highlighted the establishment of a dedicated Ministry of AYUSH. This strategic move has engendered a significant impact, with Yoga and AYUSH methodologies gaining widespread recognition and acclaim on the global stage. As the world grapples with the aftermath of the pandemic, there is a discernible shift towards holistic healthcare, a paradigm that India is poised to lead, fulfilling the contemporary demand for comprehensive well-being.

In summation, the Prime Minister’s words exemplify the government’s unwavering commitment to both environmental preservation and holistic healthcare. These pillars collectively underscore India’s proactive role in addressing critical challenges while fostering global well-being and development.

Prime Minister Modi acknowledged the vital roles that the distinct Ministry for fisheries, animal husbandry, and dairy play as essential contributors and foundational pillars of both the government and the nation’s economy. These sectors stand as dynamic forces, integral to driving economic growth and prosperity.

The establishment of this new Ministry is driven by a steadfast commitment to inclusivity and equitable distribution of government benefits. The Prime Minister emphasized that this strategic move ensures that every segment of society, regardless of class or background, can avail themselves of the various benefits and opportunities that have been announced by the government. In this manner, the government is resolutely working towards fostering an environment where no one is marginalized or left behind, thereby strengthening the foundation of our nation’s progress and development.

In the same vein, the Prime Minister underscored that India has adeptly showcased its remarkable diversity to the global stage. This rich tapestry of diversity has captured the attention of the world, evoking wonder and admiration. Consequently, there has been a noticeable surge in global fascination and curiosity towards India, indicative of the heightened allure that the nation now exudes.

This heightened interest reflects a growing inclination to delve into and comprehend the intricacies of India, as the global community seeks a deeper understanding of its culture, heritage, and multifaceted attributes. The Prime Minister’s remarks underscore India’s unique ability to captivate the world’s imagination, fostering a sense of connection and appreciation that transcends geographical boundaries.

The Prime Minister fondly recounted his participation in the G-20 Summit held in Bali, during which he engaged with global leaders who displayed a keen interest in India’s accomplishments through the Digital India Programme. He shared that the resonance of Digital India extended far beyond metropolitan hubs like Delhi, Mumbai, and Chennai. He emphasized that the remarkable achievements and innovations emerging from India are not confined to these urban centers but are equally driven by the dynamic and enthusiastic youth hailing from Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities.

The Prime Minister’s interactions highlighted the widespread impact of India’s digital initiatives, reaching even the hinterlands of the nation. This robust engagement from across the socio-economic spectrum underscores the inclusive and transformative nature of India’s technological advancements, with its effects being felt throughout the country. The Prime Minister’s narrative reinforces the pivotal role played by young minds across various tiers of cities in driving India’s digital success story, resonating on the global stage and contributing to India’s stature as a digital trailblazer.

In addressing the nation about the economy, Prime Minister Modi highlighted India’s remarkable ascent in the global economic arena. He underscored that India has advanced from being the 10th largest economy in 2014 to now securing the prestigious rank of the 5th largest economy in 2023. This notable elevation can be attributed to a multifaceted approach that encompasses combatting corruption, plugging leaks in the distribution of government benefits, fostering a robust economy, and directing public funds towards the betterment of the impoverished.

The Prime Minister emphasized that this economic transformation extends beyond mere fiscal gains. An economically prosperous nation contributes to the empowerment of its citizens and the nation as a whole. He articulated that such remarkable strides are achievable when a government pledges to channel resources transparently and judiciously towards the well-being of its constituents. This steadfast commitment to utilizing resources for the upliftment of citizens is a foundational principle behind the attainment of such extraordinary and progressive outcomes.

The Prime Minister’s words encapsulate the symbiotic relationship between a strong economy, transparent governance, and inclusive development, ultimately forging a path towards holistic growth and societal advancement.

Expanding on the government’s proactive initiatives, Prime Minister Modi elucidated that a concerted effort is underway in collaboration with Women’s Self Help Groups (SHGs) to empower and uplift women in rural communities. The overarching objective is to facilitate the transformation of 2 crore women into ‘Lakhpati Didis,’ signifying their elevation to a financially empowered status within villages.

The Prime Minister highlighted the burgeoning participation of 10 crore women who are currently engaged with Women’s Self-Help Groups. He emphasized that these groups have evolved into dynamic entities that are strategically placed to contribute in multifaceted roles across villages. Today, one can readily encounter these dedicated ‘Didis’ not only at banks but also actively participating in pivotal roles within Anganwadis (childcare and mothercare centers) and serving as indispensable contributors in the provision of essential medical services.

Prime Minister Modi underscored the transformative potential of agri-tech and advocated for harnessing the capabilities of science and technology to propel rural development. He emphasized the strategic integration of innovation to uplift rural communities.

In a pioneering initiative, the Prime Minister revealed plans to empower 15,000 Women’s Self-Help Groups with loans and comprehensive training to operate and maintain drones. This ambitious endeavor, aptly named “Drone ki Udaan,” envisions the active engagement of these Women’s Self-Help Groups in utilizing drone technology for various applications.

This innovative approach not only provides opportunities for women’s economic empowerment but also underscores the fusion of cutting-edge technology with grassroots development. By enabling Women’s Self-Help Groups to take to the skies with drones, the government is fostering an environment where technology-driven solutions are leveraged to address challenges and create new avenues for progress in rural areas. This initiative serves as a testament to the government’s visionary commitment to empowering women and spurring technological advancements that uplift rural communities.

Prime Minister Modi reiterated the government’s firm commitment to enhancing healthcare accessibility across the nation. He emphasized a strategic initiative aimed at bolstering the network of ‘Jan Aushadhi Kendras,’ with a robust plan to elevate the current count of 10,000 Kendras to an impressive 25,000.

Prime Minister Modi highlighted the transformative impact of Jan Aushadhi Kendras, underlining how these centers have empowered citizens, particularly those belonging to the middle class. He illustrated this by citing the example of individuals diagnosed with diabetes, who often incur a substantial monthly expense of Rs. 3000 for their medical needs.

Prime Minister Modi highlighted the substantial cost savings facilitated by Jan Aushadhi Kendras. He underscored that medications which typically carry a price tag of ₹100 are now made available at an immensely reduced cost, ranging from ₹10 to ₹15 through these Kendras.

Prime Minister Modi announced a forthcoming initiative known as the Vishwakarma scheme, which is set to be launched in the upcoming month. The scheme will be allocated funds ranging from ₹13,000 to ₹15,000 crore. This scheme aims to uplift individuals possessing traditional skills, thereby supporting and promoting their unique expertise.

Furthermore, the Prime Minister reiterated the government’s commitment to expanding the network of ‘Jan Aushadhi Kendras’—establishments that provide subsidized medicines. He emphasized the plan to increase the current count of 10,000 Kendras to an impressive 25,000. This expansion is designed to further enhance the accessibility and affordability of essential medications for the broader population.

Prime Minister Modi provided insight into a significant government initiative, revealing that a substantial allocation of ₹10 lakh crore has been dedicated to a urea subsidy for farmers. This initiative underscores the government’s commitment to supporting agricultural development and the well-being of farmers.

The Prime Minister emphasized that this considerable financial commitment is aimed at making urea—a critical agricultural input—available to farmers at a significantly reduced cost of ₹300 per bag, in stark contrast to its global market value of ₹3,000 per bag. This move is geared towards ensuring that farmers have access to essential resources at an affordable rate, ultimately bolstering agricultural productivity and securing the livelihoods of those who contribute significantly to the nation’s food security.

“India has achieved a heightened level of strategic prowess in recent times, resulting in our borders being more secure than ever,” affirmed Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his address on the 77th Independence Day, delivered from the iconic Red Fort in Delhi on August 15, 2023. The Prime Minister reiterated the resolute determination of the Government to uphold national security, particularly in light of the prevailing global security dynamics.

He underscored a series of substantial military reforms aimed at bolstering the modernization and readiness of the Armed Forces. These transformative measures are directed towards imbuing the Armed Forces with youthful vigor and preparedness, positioning them to effectively address a spectrum of future challenges.

Prime Minister Modi’s assertions reflect the government’s unyielding commitment to safeguarding the nation’s territorial integrity and security. Through strategic reforms and modernization efforts, India is poised to stand resilient in the face of evolving security landscapes, ensuring that the Armed Forces remain well-prepared to counter any potential threats that may arise.

Prime Minister Modi underscored the prevailing sense of security and safety that has enveloped the nation, accentuating the substantial reduction in the frequency of terrorist attacks. This remarkable decline has contributed significantly to fostering a climate of tranquility and confidence among the populace.

The Prime Minister further highlighted the symbiotic relationship between a peaceful and secure environment and the attainment of developmental aspirations. He expounded that a nation marked by harmony and security serves as a robust foundation upon which new milestones of development can be achieved.

The Prime Minister’s remarks encapsulate the profound impact of security and stability on the nation’s progress, underlining the pivotal role that peace plays in propelling socio-economic growth and well-being. By curbing the menace of terrorism and fortifying national security, India is poised to unlock fresh avenues of development, empowerment, and prosperity for its citizens.

Prime Minister Modi acknowledged the critical significance of the One Rank One Pension (OROP) scheme, a longstanding and just demand of the defense pensioners. He highlighted the government’s prompt and decisive action upon assuming power, implementing the OROP initiative as an expression of deep respect for the servicemen of the nation.

The Prime Minister underscored the substantial impact of this policy, emphasizing that an impressive sum of ₹70,000 crore has been disbursed to ex-servicemen and their families. This financial support serves as a tangible tribute to the sacrifices and contributions of these brave individuals who have dedicated their lives to serving the country.

Prime Minister Modi’s words affirm the government’s commitment to honoring the welfare and dignity of defense pensioners, underscoring the significance of OROP in acknowledging and supporting the servicemen’s selfless dedication and invaluable service to the nation.

During his address to the nation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasized the profound evolution witnessed within India’s digital sphere. He accentuated the impressive advancements made in extending internet accessibility even to the most remote and secluded regions of the nation. The pervasive reach of the internet has now permeated every village, effectively ensuring that the dividends of the digital revolution are accessible to every citizen.

Prime Minister Modi alluded to a significant shift in the landscape of internet accessibility, drawing attention to the period prior to 2014 when data tariffs were prohibitively expensive. In stark contrast to that era, he highlighted the present moment where India proudly holds the distinction of offering the world’s most affordable internet data rates. This substantial reduction in costs has translated into noteworthy savings for families across the length and breadth of the nation.

The Prime Minister’s comparison underscores the transformative impact of technology and policy initiatives in revolutionizing the accessibility and affordability of internet services. By making data rates more accessible, the government has effectively democratized digital access, enabling individuals and families to engage more extensively with online resources, information, and opportunities. This shift not only fosters greater connectivity but also drives economic growth, innovation, and empowerment at all levels of society, embodying the government’s commitment to leveraging technology for the betterment of all citizens.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.