Pre-Sunrise Photo Etiquette:Controversy Surrounding Removal of Paintings in Sarangpur Temple Resolved
Controversial paintings removed at sunrise after a meeting with saints, Mahants, and CM. A press conference followed the meeting.
Resolution of Controversy Surrounding Hanuman Temple Images
The controversy over the Hanuman temple images in Sarangpur, which had been ongoing for the past few days, has now come to a peaceful conclusion. In a significant development, the government intervened in the matter after tensions arose among the saints and Mahants of the Sanatan Dharma.
A meeting was convened at the residence of Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel, where prominent saints of the Swaminarayan sect gathered for discussions. Following this meeting, a press conference was held to announce the removal of the controversial paintings. Subsequently, during the night, the disputed images were replaced with new ones.
Additionally, a meeting was organized at the Shivanand Ashram in Ahmedabad, where Swaminarayan saints, VHP representatives, and social leaders were present. In this meeting, a gratifying resolution was reached.
The presence of Gujarat’s Home Minister Harsh Sanghavi in the discussion further emphasized the government’s commitment to resolving the issue. After this, a public announcement was made at the Shivanand Ashram, marking the peaceful conclusion of the dispute.

Announcement to Remove Controversial Paintings Followed by Midnight Efforts
After the announcement to remove the disputed paintings in Sarangpur, a momentous step was taken. Late at night, around 12:00 AM, all the lights in the vicinity of the Kashibhai Haribhai Modi Rann Utsav Bhavan and the entire Kashibhai Haribhai Modi Complex were switched off as part of the effort to remove the controversial images.
Subsequently, amid partial darkness, away from the media’s eyes, the Mahants of the Gaadi branch attempted to remove the disputed paintings. During this process, the police from the outside the Botad district tried to stop the media from covering the event. Devotees of the temple supported the police in the effort to keep the process of removing the paintings private.
The overall effort to remove the paintings continued into the late hours of the night.
VHP Takes Initiative
The main office of VHP in Vadatala informed that the meeting took place in a highly peaceful and friendly atmosphere. They also emphasized that everyone involved was committed to this resolution, and this press note is being shared with you for your information. The work was carried out by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) Gujarat’s Working Committee. The meeting was organized at the Shivanand Ashram in Dharampur, where Hindu religious leaders, saints, and Vadatala Gaadi’s senior saints gathered. The meeting lasted for approximately two hours.
During this meeting, guidance was provided by Acharya Sahejanandji Sarasvatiji Maharaj and Acharya Rakeshprasadji Maharaj, who are prominent figures in the Hindu religious community.
The atmosphere during the meeting was marked by a sense of harmony and a commitment to resolving the issue peacefully.

Resolution: Vadatala Peetheshwar Rajesh Prasad Maharaj’s Clear Stance
Vadatala Peetheshwar Rajesh Prasad Maharaj has provided a clear perspective, emphasizing that the Swaminarayan Sampraday is an integral part of Vedic Sanatan Dharma, following the traditions, worship practices, and Hindu customs with utmost reverence. The Shri Swaminarayan Sampraday’s association with the Hindu community is intended to support and uphold the community’s values.
The resolution states that the controversial images in the Sarangpur temple, which have been a cause of concern, will be removed at sunrise tomorrow.
This resolution signifies a significant step toward resolving the issue and maintaining harmony.
Resolution to Promote Harmony Across second Communities
The resolution is to remove the controversial images from the Salangpur temple within the first light of day, before sunrise.
Resolution to Promote Harmony Across Three Communities
To foster harmony and resolution of surrounding disputes, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, along with various streams within the Swaminarayan Sampraday and Hindu Sanatan Dharma Acharyas and Saints, will convene a brief meeting shortly.
Resolution to Resolve Disputes and Establish Harmony in the Four Hindu Communities
The Swaminarayan Sampraday saints have been instructed not to engage in any form of provocative or disruptive behavior around the disputes to foster harmony in the four Hindu communities.
Resolution: Appeal to the Five Vishva Hindu Parishads
The saints of the Swaminarayan Sampraday appeal to the five Vishva Hindu Parishads to actively work towards a complete resolution of this dispute today. Therefore, it is requested that no society’s harmony be compromised with such requests.