
Religious Angle Emerges in Fatal Prayagraj Attack: Accused Claims Loyalty to Mustafa, Questions Modi and Yogi’s Government

Violent Incident in Prayagraj: Student Attacks Bus Conductor

In a shocking incident on Friday morning in Prayagraj, a B.Tech student assaulted a bus conductor. Following the assault, the student jumped off the bus. Passengers on the bus, along with some outsiders, rushed the conductor to the hospital. The student later posted a video declaring that anyone speaking against Islam would face severe consequences, even death. Although the government is led by Yogi Modi, our hearts follow the path of Mustafa Illallah.

Subsequently, the police apprehended the student on the college campus. It was revealed that, during questioning, the suspects were heading to recover weapons from their hideout. Taking advantage of the darkness, the suspects tried to escape, resulting in a police firing incident. The police fired shots at the suspect’s legs. Currently, the injured student is admitted to the hospital.

Assault on Bus Conductor: Engineering Student Arrested

A 20-year-old engineering student, Lareb Hashmi, residing in Soraon, Prayagraj, has been accused of assaulting a bus conductor. Lareb is a first-year B.Tech student at the United Engineering College. On Friday, Lareb boarded an electric bus to visit Faizabad. As the bus approached the gates of his college, Lareb suddenly pulled out a knife from his bag and attacked the conductor, Harikesh Vishwakarma. Shocked passengers, including some college outsiders, rushed the injured conductor to the hospital.

Bus driver Mangala Prasad Yadav stated that there were two conductors on the bus. Suddenly, Lareb attacked Harikesh Vishwakarma. Some passengers who understood the situation had already left the bus before Lareb jumped off.

When another conductor, Nandan Yadav, attempted to intervene and rescue Harikesh Vishwakarma, he, too, was attacked by Lareb. Nandan Yadav sustained injuries to his hand. Lareb, who was injured during the commotion, has been admitted to the Swaroop Rani Nehru Hospital for medical treatment.

Accused Releases Video, Threatens Retaliation: “Allah, We Live and Die for You”

After the assault, the youth released a video lasting 1 minute and 28 seconds. In the video, he declares, “I have attacked him, Inshallah (Allah willing), he won’t survive. We live for you, Allah, and we die for you… Yogi Modi’s government may rule, but our hearts follow Mustafa Raj. Muslims, sacrifice your lives for Allah… Make it known to everyone that we, the slaves of Huzoor-e-Gulam (a respectful term for a religious leader), are ready to retaliate against anyone speaking against Islam. We will retaliate, we will drag them by their necks and make a spectacle of their bodies.”

In the video, the accused is seen holding a knife. A banner with the slogan of the extremist group Tehreek-e-Labbaik is also visible. In addition to this, another video of the accused has surfaced, where he is seen running with a knife in his hand.

Altercation Over ₹20 Leads to Attack on Conductor

In a recent incident, an argument over a ₹20 fare between a passenger and a bus conductor escalated into an assault. The accused, who had boarded the bus a few days earlier, had an altercation with the conductor over the fare. In an unexpected turn, he attacked the conductor with a sharp object, reportedly a knife, demanding change.

The accused, identified as a student of the United Engineering College, had been residing in the Soraon area. Following the incident, the police investigation revealed that he runs a chicken shop in Hajigunj Market, owned by his father. The altercation with the conductor occurred inside the bus and later continued in the shop premises.

The Principal of the United Engineering College, Professor H.P. Shukla, took immediate action, suspending the accused student. A committee has been formed to further investigate the matter. Professor Shukla expressed concern over the incident, stating that it has not only affected the faculty but also the students. He emphasized that the accused student, who was known for being calm and reserved in class, had never shown any signs of aggressive behavior.

The police team reached the accused’s residence on Saturday afternoon, finding the premises locked. It is reported that preparations are underway to bulldoze the house. Authorities have yet to make any official statements regarding the demolition, and neighbors have noted that the family members left the house late at night. The accused has been described as a person of good nature by the neighbors.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.