Obama’s Warning: Biden Faces Tough Battle Against Trump in Upcoming US Elections
Last year, in June, Barack Obama had visited the White House to meet President Joe Biden. Biden’s election campaign had been discussed amidst speculation. Democratic leaders said that about a year earlier, Obama had warned Biden that his election campaign seemed unstable. Obama had urged Biden to campaign aggressively. Six months later, Obama returned to the White House.
At that time, Obama had also warned Biden, stating that his election campaign was significantly lagging behind. If they didn’t pay attention now, Trump would take advantage of it, even in the seven key states. Three months later, the American election will be held in 2024. Biden is indeed facing difficulties. They have been consistently trailing behind Trump in most polls for months. Political analysts say that if elections are held in America today, Biden will lose the election.

Stable Economy: Biden’s Popularity Decreases
In the last election, there were many factors in favor of Biden. Such as the trust of young voters. In the 2020 election, Biden had defeated Trump by 24 points by joining voters under 30 for over 30 years. But now, according to recent surveys by The New York Times and CNN, it has emerged that Biden’s popularity among younger voters has decreased. Biden is now lagging behind Trump by five points.