
Madhu Srivastava: BJP’s Fate Tied to Modi, Compares Party to a Washing Machine

BJP Announces Candidates for 5 Assembly Seats:

Today, the BJP has announced its candidates for 5 assembly seats. Among them, Dharmendrasinh Vaghela, who resigned from his position as MLA citing dissatisfaction with the opposition, has been declared as BJP’s candidate for the Vaghodia seat. This announcement comes after former MLA Madhu Srivastava criticized Vaghela, calling him a “washing machine” which, when filled with dirt, becomes clean, implying that joining BJP is akin to purification. Srivastava himself is a prominent candidate being brought in by the BJP.

Madhu Srivastava Clarifies:

Madhu Srivastava clarified that BJP is not in Vaghodia, and he is the one being brought in by the BJP. Had BJP been in Vaghodia, their candidate Ashwin Patel would have won the previous elections. You are coming back to BJP to engage in dubious land deals, oil business, or similar activities.

BJP Faces Significant Challenges:

They have expressed that people are saying that Congress members are infiltrating the BJP. They engage in corruption, so Congress members are joining the BJP. This is like a washing machine – it is dirty but becomes clean after washing. This is BJP’s policy. People brought into BJP will one day regret it. The day Narendra Modi is not there, BJP will face significant challenges.

BJP Issues Tickets and Wins 5 Times:

They have added that it’s an open field, I am here to fight. There is no fear of fighting, Hindustan is free. Everyone should fight. I too am here to fight. I became an opposition member, then BJP wooed me back, and I was given a ticket by the BJP and won five times. In 2022, I was not given a ticket. I fought as an opposition, I lost, but I did not come to BJP. BJP would not have won, because Madhu Srivastava, who was brought into BJP, was not given a ticket.

I am a fighter and against the BJP.

They have stated that I am now also fighting as an opposition, I am fighting as a common man, I am also fighting in the party. I am here to clean up the garbage. I am ready to fight in Congress as well. I am ready to fight in any other party. I will leave BJP and take a ticket from any other party. That’s why I am fighting against BJP. I am not in contact with BJP. I went to Surat to meet Patil Dada and met C.R. Patil as well, but I haven’t contested any election. But my son said, ‘I have brought you to meet Pappa Patil Dada.’ That’s why I met Patil Dada.

If you give tickets to these two (Ranjanben Bhatt), then I will strongly oppose it. I will be very much against it. The party will have to finish it. I have made it clear. This person is not in touch with the people, he doesn’t do the people’s work, and people know him. He wants to protect his assets. He does both kinds of business. He tries to surprise some businessmen. He tries to surprise some traders. He tries to surprise the officials who build roads.

I am contesting elections to work for the welfare of the people.

Madhu Srivastav stated that in this election, he will tell people that he works for development, he works as a servant. These are the people recognized by the public. No one else is recognized. Madhu Srivastav is the one who gave birth to BJP in Vadodara Corporation. Madhu Srivastav is the one who gave birth to BJP in Vadodara. Then BJP came. Any candidate who comes, I am ready to fight against everyone. I am contesting to work for the welfare of the people.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.