India Demands Pakistan Vacate Illegally Occupied Areas; UN Urges Action on 26/11 Culprits; Pakistan Alleges 900K Troops in J&K
Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has once again raised the issue of Kashmir at the UN General Assembly. In doing so, Indian representative Patel Gehlot refrained from using the term “PoK” (Pakistan-occupied Kashmir) and stated, “First and foremost, Pakistan needs to vacate the territories it has unlawfully occupied, including those it has captured through illegal means like the 26/11 Mumbai attacks culprits.”
Gehlot added, “Pakistan must also take action against terrorism and cease providing encouragement to terrorism on its borders. Pakistan must put an end to the violation of human rights in the areas under its control. Pakistan holds the worst record in the world in terms of human rights violations.”
Responding to Pakistan, in the UNGA session on September 22, Indian representative Patel Gehlot said, “Pakistan has consistently misused the platform of UNGA to propagate falsehoods and spread false narratives against India. It frequently uses this forum to indulge in unwarranted and baseless criticism of our country. Despite having its own challenges, Pakistan should first end terrorism emanating from its soil.”
Pakistan’s Statement: “We Seek Peaceful Relations with Our Neighbors”
Gehlot further said, “We desire peaceful relations with all our neighbors. Kashmir is an integral part of India, and peace is essential for its development. Peace is necessary for the region as well. India is committed to resolving its issues with Pakistan through dialogue.”
Responding to India, Imran Khan said during UNGA’s 78th session in Pakistan, “We desire peaceful relations with all our neighbors. Kashmir holds the key to peace, and it is essential to resolve the issue for the development of the region.”

Imran Khan also stated, “India has not implemented UNSC resolutions and has been disregarding the will of the people in Jammu and Kashmir. Since August 2019, India has deployed nearly 900,000 troops in an unprecedented clampdown in the region, thereby attempting to impose its will on Kashmir.