
GTU Winter Exam: 596 Copycases by 483 Engineering Students, UFM Committee Decides Penalties

Gujarat Technological University’s Winter Exams Witness Copy-Copying Scandal

Gujarat Technological University recently conducted its winter semester examinations, involving approximately 2.7 lakh students across various centers in the state. During these exams, several students were caught cheating, with some even attempting to copy answers onto CCTV cameras. Subsequently, many students now face disciplinary actions.

2.7 Lakh Students Appear for State College Exams

Gujarat Technological University recently conducted its winter semester exams for a wide range of courses, including diploma engineering, degree engineering, pharmacy, MBA, and MCA, across different colleges in the state. A total of 2.7 lakh students appeared for these exams, and cases of copying were observed during and after the exams. Out of these students, a total of 596 cases of copying have been recorded, with 483 of them being engineering students.

Highest Number of Copying Cases Among Engineering Students

Among the students involved in copying, 298 were pursuing diploma engineering, 185 were pursuing degree engineering, 46 were pharmacy students, 28 were MBA students, and 11 were MCA students. Engineering students accounted for the highest number of copying cases. It’s noteworthy that this year’s winter exams recorded the highest number of copying cases, with 596 instances in total.

Students to Face UFM Committee

All students involved in copying will be summoned before Gujarat Technological University, where they will appear before the UFM (Unfair Means) Committee. This committee will oversee the proceedings and hear the students’ appeals. Depending on the committee’s decisions, students may face various penalties, ranging from level 1 to level 6 sanctions.

Penalties for Levels 1 to 6

  1. In subjects where copying is detected, the results of that particular subject will be canceled, requiring the student to reappear for that subject.
  2. If a student is found copying in all subjects, all their results will be canceled, and they will be prohibited from taking the semester examination for one semester.
  3. If a student’s results in all subjects are canceled twice due to copying, they will be banned from taking the examination for three consecutive semesters.
  4. If a student’s results in all subjects are canceled thrice due to copying, they will be banned from taking the examination for four consecutive semesters.
  5. MBA, MCA, ME, and M. Pharm students found guilty of copying will face a 3-year ban on thesis, project, or dissertation submissions. For PhD students, the ban will extend to 5 years. Afterward, they will be allowed to work on new topics.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.