Announcement: Class 10 and 12 Board Annual Exam Timetables Revealed – Get Dates Now!
GSEB Announces Exam Schedule for Class 10, 12, and GUJCET
Gandhinagar: The Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSEB) has announced the timetable for the annual examinations of Class 10, 12, and GUJCET. The Class 10 and Class 12 Science stream exams will be held from March 11 to March 26. GUJCET, which is conducted after Class 12, will be held on April 2, 2024. The Class 10 exam schedule will have morning sessions, while the Class 12 Science stream exam will be held in the afternoon.
Exam Schedule
The Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board, Gandhinagar, has released information stating that the exams for Class 10, Class 12 Science stream, and General stream, Higher Secondary Arts, Commerce, and Sanskrit medium candidates will be conducted between March 11, 2024, to March 26, 2024. The schedule for the Class 12 board exams has also been published on the board’s website, The GUJCET, taken after Class 12, will be held on April 2, 2024. The Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board has announced the dates. GUJCET covers four subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics, and it holds significant importance for students aiming to pursue engineering and paramedical courses. The question papers for GUJCET will be available in three languages: Gujarati, English, and Hindi.