
Fake ENO Factory Raid: Over 22,000 Counterfeit Pouches Seized in Kheda Matar

In the Kheda district, there has been an ongoing issue with counterfeit food products. The latest revelation is the discovery of fake honey, following previous instances involving counterfeit turmeric and ghee. A factory producing counterfeit honey has been exposed, with fake honey worth INR 2.22 lakhs seized. This highlights the persistent problem of counterfeit food products in the region.

In addition to this, Chiragbhai Nareshbhai Panchal serves as a Senior Field Officer at Nitraca Consulting, located in Amaraiwadi, Ahmedabad. His role involves lodging complaints under the Copyright Act on behalf of various branded companies to protect their rights. This company has been granted authority over the copyright rights of Glexo Group Limited. The issue at hand involves Chiragbhai working with associates and local police, specifically the local crime branch in Kheda district, to monitor plot number 49 at the GIDC (Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation) area in Kheda. A large quantity of counterfeit Enos was discovered here. Counterfeit Enos is a product that can be harmful to health and is not a substitute for genuine Enos. This reveals the extent of the problem with counterfeit products in the area.

The issue of counterfeit products, including food items, poses significant health and safety risks to consumers and is a concern for authorities who are working to address this problem.

In a recent case, a factory involved in producing counterfeit Enos was discovered in Dholka, Gujarat. During a search operation in the factory, three individuals were apprehended: Kamran Mohammadhusain Chhipa from Astodia, Ahmedabad; Bhagwanram Ruparam Bhati from Rajasthan; and Shevaj Naseer Ahmed Ansari from Uttar Pradesh. The factory was found to contain counterfeit Enos packets belonging to Glexo Group Limited under their GSK (Eno) brand. A total of 22,200 packets with a value of INR 2.22 lakhs were seized during the operation.

It is noteworthy that none of the three individuals possessed the necessary licenses to produce these packets, and they were involved in the illegal manufacturing of these counterfeit products. This operation reveals the ongoing problem of counterfeit products in the region, which poses risks to consumers and requires strong enforcement measures to combat.

In addition to counterfeit Eno packets, various other items were found in the factory. These items included counterfeit rolls of plastic labels bearing the name of Glexo Group Limited’s GSK (Eno) company. The factory also contained several items such as electrical machines used for packing pouches, Eno stickers pasted on large cartons, and more. These items were intended to be used for the illegal production and packaging of counterfeit products.

The Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) for Kapadvanj Division, Mr. Solanki, mentioned that the individuals involved in this illegal operation had been conducting such activities for approximately six months before they were apprehended. They are currently being investigated by the local crime branch, and this recent discovery highlights the ongoing issue of counterfeit goods in the region. Furthermore, it has been noted that individuals involved in counterfeit activities have changed their illegal production from one item to another, highlighting the need for continuous vigilance and enforcement by authorities.

In a related case from a few months ago, the Food and Drug Control Department had seized 1462 kilograms of counterfeit ghee valued at INR 4 lakhs from a dairy production factory owned by businessman Rahulji Dilipkumar Khumansinh. Samples were collected and tested, revealing that this counterfeit ghee was being mixed with vegetable fat and sold in the market as ghee, creating a health hazard for consumers. It appears that these illegal activities continue to pose a significant challenge for authorities and consumers alike.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.