
Delhi Crime Branch Issues Notices in MLA Poaching: Atishi’s Residence Visited, Kejriwal’s 5-Hour Wait Raises Eyebrows

The Delhi Police Crime Branch team visited Minister Atishi’s residence on Sunday, a day after serving a notice to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in the MLA poaching case. Atishi had earlier visited Kejriwal’s house in the morning along with Raghav Chadha.

After waiting for an hour, the Crime Branch team departed from her residence, standing a short distance away. Prior to this, she had instructed her office staff to receive any notices. Whether notices were received or not is currently unknown.

The crime branch team has reached Atishi's house. Meanwhile, she has reached CM House with Raghav Chadha.

Delhi Police Crime Branch Served Notice to Kejriwal After 5-Hour Wait

The Delhi Police Crime Branch team waited at Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s residence for nearly 5 hours on February 3 before finally serving him a notice. Kejriwal has been asked to respond within three days.

Earlier on Friday, February 2, the Crime Branch team attempted to serve notices to both Kejriwal and Minister Atishi. However, they were not present at their residences at the time, resulting in the police returning without delivering the notices. Delhi Police stated that no notices were received by either individual, while the Chief Minister’s Office (CMO) claimed that the Delhi Police left without delivering any notice.

The allegations stem from accusations made by Arvind Kejriwal and Atishi against the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for allegedly offering Rs 25 crore to each Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MLA to switch sides. Atishi alleged that the BJP seeks to topple the AAP government in Delhi. In light of these allegations, the Crime Branch intends to interrogate both leaders regarding the matter.

Outside the CM residence, Crime Branch officials were asking AAP people to come inside and talk. During this there was an argument between them.

Understanding the Allegations of AAP MLAs’ Purchases and Sales

Kejriwal’s Allegations: 

On January 27, Arvind Kejriwal, the leader of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), alleged that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) offered Rs. 25 crore each to seven AAP MLAs to defect from the party. Additionally, Kejriwal claimed that the BJP threatened to topple the Kejriwal government. According to Kejriwal, the BJP had approached seven AAP MLAs, claiming to have already spoken to 21 MLAs, and were in discussions with the remaining legislators. Allegedly, the BJP promised the MLAs Rs. 25 crore and assured them tickets to contest elections on BJP’s behalf.

BJP’s Response and Police Inquiry: 

On January 30, the Delhi BJP unit lodged a complaint with Delhi Police Commissioner Sanjay Arora regarding AAP’s allegations. They urged the Delhi Police’s Crime Branch to investigate the matter and demanded Arvind Kejriwal’s inclusion in the investigation, along with evidence.

BJP Asserts: Allegations Cannot Evade Investigation

On February 2, Delhi BJP President, Vijender Gupta, stated that they had previously emphasized Arvind Kejriwal’s tendency to fabricate false accusations to stir controversy. Gupta highlighted that the truth behind Kejriwal’s fabrications is now poised to surface, emphasizing that he cannot evade scrutiny. Kejriwal must face the investigation rather than fleeing from it.

Aam Aadmi Party leader Atishi said in a press conference that BJP wants to topple Kejriwal's government by making false allegations.

Atishi Claims: BJP Initiates Operation Lotus 2.0

Last week, AAP leader Atishi asserted during a press conference that the BJP has launched Operation Lotus 2.0 with the intention of toppling the AAP government in Delhi. She claimed that AAP possesses recordings of conversations with BJP leaders wherein they discuss plans to arrest Arvind Kejriwal.

Atishi stated that the BJP has been in contact with 21 of their MLAs, offering Rs. 25 crore to seven of them. However, all MLAs have reportedly refused to accept the offer. She emphasized that where the BJP cannot form a government democratically, they resort to Operation Lotus 2.0. Atishi cited instances in Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, and Arunachal Pradesh where governments were allegedly toppled using similar tactics.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.