Child Safety Alert: Preventing Lime Accidents in Surat
In the Dindoli area of Surat, incidents similar to a red light have come to light for parents. A 5-year-old girl, living in the Dindoli area, accidentally got a lime particle stuck in her eye while playing. While playing, the lime particle flew into her eye, and it required an operation to remove it. Additionally, due to an infection that did not completely clear up, she may need another operation in the coming days, as advised by the doctor.

In the admirable family, there is a daughter. According to available information, Nileshbhai Ashokbhai Patil, originally from Maharashtra, currently resides in Umiya Nagar, a part of the Dindoli area of Navagam. He lives there with his wife and two children. Nileshbhai works as a gemstone artist. Among Nileshbhai’s children, the family’s eldest daughter, Lavniya, who is five years old, attends school in the nearby Anganwadi.

While playing at home fifteen days ago, Lavniya’s grandfather, Ashokbhai, had accidentally hit her in the eye with a nail while attempting to hammer it into the wall near the fridge. Lavniya was playing around in the house at the time. In the midst of the play, she was trying to open the nail from the wall using a hammer. Suddenly, the nail popped open, hitting her directly in the eye. As a result, Lavniya began crying loudly in pain.

Suddenly, when Lavniya experienced pain in her eye, family members rushed to her upon hearing her cries, and they took her to a nearby hospital for immediate medical attention. There, she was given medication along with eye drops for relief. Later, on Saturday morning, when Lavniya again experienced pain in her eye unexpectedly, the family took her to another nearby hospital, where she was advised to undergo eye surgery.
Another operation became necessary. The cost of eye surgery at the private hospital was higher. Therefore, the family decided to take her to the new civil hospital. There, on Saturday afternoon, her eye surgery was conducted. The doctor expressed the possibility of another operation in the coming days. Currently, the family is appealing to keep children away from fireworks.