Chenpur Primary Teacher Denied Election BLO Duty; Police Detained as per Mamlatdar’s Order
The upcoming Lok Sabha elections have mandated orders for teachers to perform election duties. In Ahmedabad, a female teacher was assigned the duty of a BLO (Booth Level Officer), but she refused to undertake the duty citing personal reasons, resulting in her being detained by the police today. The detained teachers were brought to the magistrate’s office. She cited the illness of her in-laws as the reason for not accepting the duty.
Request Heard, Demand Accepted
Hinal Prajapati, a teacher at Chenpur Primary School in Ahmedabad, was appointed as a Booth Level Officer on February 1, 2024. Following this, she was required to report to the school principal telephonically and in writing to confirm her attendance. Since she didn’t show up and disregarded the orders, Sabarmati Police by the Western Division of Ahmedabad had issued a warrant for her arrest. Upon receiving the warrant, Sabarmati Police arrested the female teacher from Chenpur School and brought her to the police station, where her request was heard, and her demand was accepted.

Female Teacher Absent Despite Orders
According to Umang Patel, the District Officer of West Ahmedabad, female teachers who were absent despite orders had warrants issued against them to ensure their presence at the office, and they were subjected to the same inquiry. Upon hearing the request, they were ordered to be present at the office and they also had a similar complaint. The complaint was heard, and they were ordered to be present near their homes.

Order Issued Far from My Residence
Hinal Prajapati mentioned that she resides in a remote area and the order was issued far from her residence. However, due to the illness of her in-laws, she requested to have the order issued near her home. Today, she has made a request, informing that she would like the order to be issued closer to her home.