
Cadila CMD Faces Rape Allegations: Bulgarian Girl Files Complaint Against Rajiv Modi Following High Court Order

Allegations of Sexual Assault Against Chief Managing Director of Kedia Pharma

A 27-year-old woman from Bulgaria, working as a personal assistant in the renowned Kedia Pharma company based in Ahmedabad, has filed a formal complaint against the Chief Managing Director (CMD) and another individual under IPC Sections 376, 354, 323, 504, and 506. The case has been registered by the Sola Police after the High Court’s directive.

The complainant had approached the High Court in March 2023, seeking justice in an incident that allegedly took place in the Kedia Pharma house. Following the High Court’s order, the Sola Police Station has initiated an investigation into the matter.

Kedia Pharma has been in the spotlight previously for allegations of creating a hostile work environment involving harassment and assault. The complainant has filed the case against CMD Rajiv Modi and Manager Joshua Mathew. The police are set to conduct a thorough examination of the charges.

This incident comes amidst growing awareness and advocacy against workplace harassment, emphasizing the need for stringent actions and investigations to ensure a safe and secure working environment for all employees.

Allegations of Sexual Assault by Kedia Pharma’s CMD Rajiv Modi

Rajiv Modi, the CMD of Kedia Pharma, faces serious allegations of sexual assault filed by a 27-year-old woman from Bulgaria, who previously worked as his personal assistant. The victim accuses Modi of coercive behavior and harassment after she sought employment.

In the aftermath of the complainant securing a job at Kedia Pharma, Modi allegedly made derogatory remarks and subjected her to forceful advances, prompting her to file a complaint under IPC Sections 376, 354, 504, and 506. Another accused, H.R. Manager Joshua Mathew, is also implicated in the case.

This incident unfolds against the backdrop of a burgeoning movement against workplace harassment, demanding thorough investigations and stringent actions to uphold a safe work environment. The victim’s plea for justice was initially lodged with the Gujarat High Court in March 2023, leading to the initiation of a police investigation.

Rajiv Modi, a well-known figure in the business community, now faces grave charges that could have severe repercussions for both him and Kedia Pharma. The case underscores the importance of addressing issues related to workplace misconduct and maintaining a commitment to ensuring the safety and dignity of employees.

Allegations of Harassment during Induction Program at Rajiv Modi’s Residence

A 27-year-old woman has come forward with allegations of harassment during a two-month induction program held at a bungalow in Ahmedabad, supposedly owned by Rajiv Modi. The victim claims that the program involved 10-12 young women and was conducted in proximity to Rajiv’s residence. During this time, there were guidelines that restricted anyone from going outside.

The complainant states that an official email was required to be sent to the accused if anyone wanted to go out during this period. The victim, who had recently joined Job Solution, alleges that she and others were subjected to unwanted advances and were not allowed to leave the premises freely.

This incident reportedly occurred between February and April 2023, and the victim felt compelled to speak up about the matter. It is essential to note that the victim, in her narrative, describes instances of harassment, restrictions on movement, and the need to send an official email to request permission to go outside during the program.

The victim’s account highlights the importance of ensuring a safe and respectful work environment and calls for a thorough investigation into the allegations against Rajiv Modi. It remains to be seen how this case will unfold and what steps will be taken to address the concerns raised by the victim.

Turning My Life into a Nightmare Tonight

In a shocking revelation, the night of April 20, 2023, has been described as the worst in my life. It was a moment when I realized that I could no longer endure what I was going through. I was asleep when suddenly, amidst horrifying movements, I woke up. At that moment, I experienced something that felt incredibly unsafe, unlike anything I had ever encountered before. It was a psychological disturbance, far from normal.

Internally paralyzed, I was confused, struggling with thoughts—should I go out? Whom should I tell? My agony was incomprehensible. It was a psychological state induced by fear, making it difficult to decide where to go, what to say, or whom to confide in.

Expressing my need to go to the washroom at night, he continued by revealing that this led to subsequent sexual assaults on me. Following such attacks, I was even told to wash myself with filthy soap. These incidents have left me emotionally scarred and traumatized.

This account sheds light on the intense psychological distress faced during that dreadful night and underscores the need for a supportive environment for survivors of such traumatic experiences. The psychological scars left behind by such incidents require understanding, empathy, and appropriate intervention to facilitate healing.

I Falsely Submitted a COVID Report

It has been revealed that I falsely submitted a COVID report after feeling the need to resist going to the washroom and not experiencing what was claimed. The individual felt that I was not cooperative when they attempted to engage me in a conversation, which prompted them to admit me to the Apollo Hospital in the gift city of Gandhinagar for a COVID test.

Later, I left the hospital and went to the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) in Ahmedabad. There, I sought advice on meeting the Police Commissioner of Ahmedabad.

Accuser’s Brother Visits with 10 Lawyers

The young woman, in tears, eventually messaged me, urging me to come back. I agreed to cooperate fully, and she assured me that everything would be sorted out. Later, she arranged for the accuser’s brother to come to the Vastral police station with 10 lawyers. I was present, and no one was with me.

I attempted to inform ACP Hemali Joshi through messages. When the female officer learned about the employment issue, she advised me to file a complaint under the Dowry Act. These people were not prepared to entertain my rape complaint.