
IIM-IIT Graduates to Work in Minister-MP-MLA Offices; Earn Stipend of 50k to 5 Lakh

The leaders of the BJP continue to criticize the policy of dynasty politics in governance, emphasizing the need to challenge it. BJP advocates claim that the party seeks to bring deserving individuals forward and highlights this aspect in their own promotional activities. As the self-proclaimed largest political party globally, the BJP now demands the recruitment of intellectually inclined youth from across India into its youth cadre. While expressing the desire to be involved in politics, these youth, who have demonstrated their capabilities in various fields, are yet to make a significant impact in political dynamics, as the BJP is actively recruiting young intellectual professionals.

These youth do not necessarily have to engage continuously in party promotion or attend rallies to be considered suitable candidates. The BJP acknowledges the necessity of attracting such youth professionals who can bring new perspectives to politics but have not yet participated in political activities. The party aims to create a new image within the next five to ten years by recruiting such youth into its cadre. During primary grooming, these youth can receive stipends ranging from 50,000 to 5 lakhs per month. They are expected to participate in future elections, potentially becoming MPs, MLAs, or ministers.

For this purpose, the BJP plans to tap into educational institutions nationwide, including IIMs, IITs, medical colleges, PHD programs, economics, journalism, communication, sociology, and political science departments. The task is to attract and select youth who have completed their education in these institutions based on their abilities. Once their training is complete, these youth will be assigned duties according to their capabilities. After assessing their performance and contribution, they may even be directly integrated into politics.

…Read more about how BJP plans to recruit intellectually inclined youth from India.

  • Screening the Ideology of these Youth:
    • The party will scrutinize the thought processes of these youth, screening their ideologies beyond just academic records. RSS or BJP’s youth or student wings may assist in assessing their track records. Besides, these youth’s social media posts, public involvement, and criminal records will be scrutinized before they can be considered for party membership. Their selection will not solely rely on caste, religion, or any biases but will focus on individuals from various backgrounds.
  • Inclusion of Youth from Every State:
    • The party aims to include youth from every state, irrespective of their caste, religion, or region. For this purpose, the BJP plans to collect data on intellectual youth from all states and, if suitable, include them in their team. The party emphasizes impartiality towards caste, religion, or any preconceived biases and aims to choose youth from every community based on their merits.
  • Professional Roles within BJP:
    • These professionals will work in strategic management, involving organizational planning and implementation. They will contribute to developing various plans and programs for the government or party based on inputs gathered. Their knowledge and experience will be the foundation for creating algorithms that will guide the party and government in their new action plans. Responsibilities will also include publicizing the party during elections and mobilizing voters. If they hold positions in the chief minister, prime minister, or ministerial offices, they will also contribute to the functioning of their respective offices.
  • BJP’s Collaborative Efforts:
    • Previously, individuals like Varahagiri Venkata Giri, who have already worked with the youth, have been recognized and included in the BJP’s team. Beyond Varah, the BJP has collaborated with agencies such as IBM, Prashant Kishor’s CAG, and Sarven Enterprises for recruiting youth who have already proven their worth in election campaigns or election-focused work. Building on this collaboration, BJP plans to extend its team-building efforts beyond election targets to a more comprehensive approach.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.