
Ahmedabad Police to Conduct Comprehensive Road Checks on 31st: Parking, Speeding, and Drug Drive

Ahmedabad is brimming with excitement as people prepare for the celebration of December 31st. With various types of police drives underway, it is essential for individuals to be cautious to avoid any legal repercussions. The police are conducting different drives, including parking checks, over-speeding, drug-related offenses, and drink and drive cases.

Parking Violators Will Be Towed Away

After the High Court’s orders, the police are actively towing away vehicles parked haphazardly at different points in the city. Over the last week, these drives have extended to five different locations, targeting those who park on the roads, causing traffic disruptions, or engage in towing. Violators may face fines imposed by the police, urging residents to be mindful of their parking choices.

Strict Action Against Over-Speeding

The police are actively pursuing cases of over-speeding, especially in the western and posh areas of the city. Speed guns and interceptor vans are being utilized to enforce speed limits, with continuous patrolling being carried out to maintain road safety.

Crackdown on Drug Offenses at Parties

The police are vigilant about drug-related offenses, collaborating with NCB and SOG for thorough checks. Individuals found using drugs at parties will face strict legal consequences, including arrests and legal proceedings.

Deterrence Against Drink and Drive

Driving under the influence of alcohol is being closely monitored by the police. The police commissioner has announced a reward of INR 200 for reporting instances of drink and drive. Checkpoints with breath analyzers have been set up across various parts of the city, and individuals caught driving under the influence will face immediate legal action.

Increased Police Presence on New Year’s Eve

On December 31st, the Ahmedabad police will have a significant presence at prominent locations such as Kankaria Carnival, C.G. Road, S.G. Highway, clubs, and farms. The police commissioner, JCP, DCP, ACP, PI, along with a large number of police personnel, will be on duty. Traffic police will also be actively managing the situation, providing special attention to areas without official celebrations.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.