
Mini Tempo Travel Stuck in Water, Crane Rescue in Ahmedabad’s Fatehwadi due to Road Waterlogged without Rain

During the monsoon season, various areas in Ahmedabad are prone to waterlogging. Today morning, puddles formed in close vicinity to Labh Park-1 Society near Fatehwadi, creating inconvenience for commuters. A mini-tempo traveler vehicle was parked there when it got stuck in one of the puddles, with its rear tire getting jammed. 

The vehicle owner had to call for a crane to extract the vehicle from the situation. In the Fatehwadi area alone, between four to five such incidents of waterlogging occurred during the monsoon season. Residents urge authorities to address the drainage issues to prevent such inconveniences in the future.

Waterlogged Roads Pose Challenges in Juhapura, Ahmedabad

Waterlogged Roads Pose Challenges in Juhapura, Ahmedabad

This morning, all roads surrounding Labh Park-1 Society in Juhapura, Ahmedabad, were inundated due to heavy rainfall. As a mini-tempo traveler attempted to park, it got stuck in the water, causing nearby residents to rush in for assistance. According to locals, this is the fifth instance of waterlogging in the Fatehwadi area. 

Even during the monsoon season, such incidents occur three to four times in this locality. Vehicle breakdowns are common, with today witnessing another instance of a mini-tempo traveler getting its rear tire stuck in the water, necessitating the use of a crane to extricate it.

Community Initiative Mitigates Water Logging Issues in Ahmedabad

Community Initiative Mitigates Water Logging Issues in Ahmedabad

Faced with recurring water logging problems, particularly during heavy rainfall, locals took matters into their own hands in areas surrounding Labh Park-1 Society. Determined to alleviate the situation, residents initiated the placement of wooden planks strategically to deter people from traversing waterlogged areas, effectively reducing further damage. This proactive approach has deterred unnecessary foot traffic, thus minimizing additional water accumulation.

Moreover, recognizing the persistent drainage challenges across various city sectors, the Municipal Corporation has recently undertaken a substantial rehabilitation initiative. With an allocated budget of Rs. 100 crores, the Corporation aims to revamp a 32-kilometer stretch of antiquated drainage lines using three distinct methodologies. This comprehensive effort is poised to enhance drainage infrastructure and mitigate future waterlogging incidents throughout the city.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.