
Attempted Acid Attack Due to Naradham’s Harassment: Neighbor Sends Graphic Photos to Fiancé Threatening to Break Engagement

In the village of Kansolaliya in Rajkot district, a young woman residing in the vicinity faced appalling threats from her neighbor. The neighbor, in a fit of rage, threatened to harm her brother, instilling fear and distress. The situation escalated drastically when the woman, tormented by the threats of her neighbor, endured a horrific ordeal. She attempted to protect herself from the relentless harassment by resorting to an acid attack, leading to her admission to the hospital for urgent medical attention. 

Prompted by this distressing incident, the police have taken cognizance of the crime perpetrated against the young woman and are actively pursuing legal action against the neighbor accused of harassment. The victim’s family has appealed for justice and support in this harrowing ordeal, highlighting the urgent need for societal intervention and protection against such heinous crimes.

Threats to Break Engagement Issued After Sending Horrific Photos to Fiancé

In the village of Kansolaliya, located in the Taluka of Jasdan in Rajkot district, a young woman faced grave threats from her neighbor residing nearby. Himmatsinh Kateshiya repeatedly threatened her brother with violence, and on several occasions, engaged in abhorrent behavior by sending him horrific photos. The situation worsened when he menaced to break off her engagement by sending such gruesome images to her fiancé. 

Jaisukh, also known as Kalo Lakhha Kateshiya, who intervened to assist her, has also been dragged into the conflict. Concerned by these alarming developments, all parties involved have lodged complaints with the police, seeking justice and intervention.

Husband Enters Home Uninvited: A Tale of Harassment

The complainant revealed that the accused, Himmat Raydhan Kateshiya, resides adjacent to their property and often loiters there. The young woman experienced a horrifying incident when she was alone at home. Exploiting her solitude, the accused barged into their house and perpetrated an act of harassment. Furthermore, he threatened anyone who dared to speak against him, particularly targeting her brother. This reprehensible behavior continued as the accused, Himmat Kateshiya, persistently entered the home uninvited and engaged in acts of harassment. Concerned about her safety, her brother, Jaisukh, also known as Kalo, kept a vigilant eye on her well-being.

Swift Investigation Initiated Against Accused

During the engagement ceremony, the accused, Naradham, was asked to leave by the young woman. However, Himmat Kateshiya sent obscene photos of her to her fiancé, tarnishing her reputation. As a result of the distress caused by Himmat Kateshiya’s actions, the tormented young woman attempted to commit an acid attack, leading to her hospitalization for treatment. Presently, the Jasdan police have registered a complaint in this matter and have taken swift action to investigate the accused.

Niyati Rao

Niyati Rao is a seasoned writer and avid consumer who specializes in crafting informative and engaging articles and product reviews. With a passion for research and a knack for finding the best deals, Niyati enjoys helping readers make informed decisions about their purchases.