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Demystifying ITM, OTM, and ATM Options: A Comprehensive Guide for Option Trading


Options trading offers traders the opportunity to speculate on price movements without owning the underlying assets. To navigate this market effectively, it’s crucial to understand In-The-Money (ITM), Out-of-The-Money (OTM), and At-The-Money (ATM) options. This guide provides a clear overview of these concepts, focusing on option buying and selling (calls and puts), with practical examples related to Bank Nifty—a popular index in the Indian stock market. By grasping ITM, OTM, and ATM options, traders can make informed decisions and manage risk more effectively.

ITM, OTM, and ATM Options for Call Options

  1. In-The-Money (ITM) Call Option: An ITM call option occurs when the current price of the Bank Nifty index is higher than the strike price of the option. For example:
    • Bank Nifty index: 35,000
    • ITM call option: Strike price of 34,500 In this scenario, the call option is ITM because the index price is above the strike price.
  2. Out-of-The-Money (OTM) Call Option: An OTM call option happens when the current price of the Bank Nifty index is lower than the strike price of the option. For example:
    • Bank Nifty index: 35,000
    • OTM call option: Strike price of 35,500 In this case, the call option is OTM because the index price is below the strike price.
  3. At-The-Money (ATM) Call Option: An ATM call option occurs when the current price of the Bank Nifty index is approximately the same as the strike price of the option. For example:
    • Bank Nifty index: 35,000
    • ATM call option: Strike price of 35,000 In this situation, the call option is ATM because the index price is very close to the strike price.

ITM, OTM, and ATM Options for Put Options

  1. In-The-Money (ITM) Put Option: An ITM put option occurs when the current price of the Bank Nifty index is lower than the strike price of the option. For example:
    • Bank Nifty index: 35,000
    • ITM put option: Strike price of 35,500 In this scenario, the put option is ITM because the index price is below the strike price.
  2. Out-of-The-Money (OTM) Put Option: An OTM put option happens when the current price of the Bank Nifty index is higher than the strike price of the option. For example:
    • Bank Nifty index: 35,000
    • OTM put option: Strike price of 34,500 In this case, the put option is OTM because the index price is above the strike price.
  3. At-The-Money (ATM) Put Option: An ATM put option occurs when the current price of the Bank Nifty index is approximately the same as the strike price of the option. For example:
    • Bank Nifty index: 35,000
    • ATM put option: Strike price of 35,000 In this situation, the put option is ATM because the index price is very close to the strike price.

Delta, Theta, and Other Factors Effects on ITM, OTM, and ATM Options 

Delta: In the Indian stock market, delta plays a crucial role in understanding the sensitivity of option prices to changes in the underlying stock’s price. The impact of delta on ITM, OTM, and ATM options can be summarized as follows:

  • ITM options: ITM call options have delta values close to 1, indicating that their prices tend to move in line with the underlying stock’s price. ITM put options have delta values close to -1, indicating an inverse relationship with the stock’s price.
  • OTM options: OTM call options have delta values close to 0, meaning their prices are less sensitive to small changes in the stock’s price. OTM put options also have delta values close to 0.
  • ATM options: ATM call and put options have delta values around 0.5, indicating that their prices are relatively more sensitive to changes in the underlying stock’s price.

Theta: Theta represents the rate of time decay of an option’s value as it approaches its expiration date. The impact of theta on ITM, OTM, and ATM options in the Indian stock market is as follows:

  • ITM options: ITM options tend to have lower theta values, meaning their time decay is relatively slower compared to OTM options. They are less affected by time decay as their intrinsic value provides some cushion.
  • OTM options: OTM options generally have higher theta values, implying that their time decay is faster. As expiration approaches, the extrinsic value of OTM options erodes quickly.
  • ATM options: ATM options typically have moderate theta values. Their time decay is not as fast as OTM options but faster than ITM options.

Other Factors: Apart from delta and theta, other factors such as implied volatility, interest rates, and dividends can also impact ITM, OTM, and ATM options in the Indian stock market. These factors influence the option’s price and should be considered when evaluating option strategies.


In conclusion, understanding ITM, OTM, and ATM options is crucial for successful options trading in the Indian stock market. These options vary in their relationship to the underlying asset’s price. Delta values differ for each category, with ITM options being more sensitive, OTM options less sensitive, and ATM options falling in between. Theta, representing time decay, affects ITM, OTM, and ATM options differently, with ITM options experiencing slower decay. Considering other factors such as implied volatility, interest rates, and dividends is also important. By grasping these concepts, traders can make informed decisions and manage risk effectively in their options trading strategies.

Akash Shrivastav

My name is Akash Shrivastav, and I am a Blogger. I have 8 years of experience in blogging for Finance, Business, Investment, Stock Market, Cryptocurreny and more. Through my writing, I aim to provide readers with insightful and informative content.