
July 23 Gold Rate: Latest 22 Carat Price in Your City, India

The gold rate in India today, July 23, exceeds Rs 60,000 per 10 grams of 24-carat gold, with 10 grams of 24-carat gold priced at Rs 60,160, and 22-carat gold priced at Rs 55,150. Additionally, silver is priced at Rs 78,000 per kilo. In Chennai, the retail price of 22-carat gold is Rs 55,550 per 10 grams, while 24-carat gold costs Rs 60,600 per 10 grams.

Ahmedabad offers a retail gold price of Rs 55,200 for 22-carat gold, and Rs 60,220 per 10 grams for 24-carat gold. Please note that these prices may change during the day.

Noida’s 22-carat gold is priced at Rs 55,300 per 10 grams, and 24-carat gold costs Rs 60,320 per 10 grams.

On July 21, gold futures maturing on August 04, 2023, were trading at Rs 59,298 on the Multi Commodity Exchange, while silver maturing on Sep 05 was valued at Rs 74,966.

Several Factors Can Influence The Gold Rate

  • Demand and supply: The gold rate largely depends on the demand and supply of gold in the market. If the demand increases, the rate also goes up, and vice versa.
  • Global economic conditions: Global economic conditions can also impact the gold rate. During economic downturns, investors may turn to gold as a safe investment, leading to a rise in the gold rate.
  • Political instability: Political crises in major countries can cause investors to seek gold as a safe haven, thereby driving up the gold rate.

The retail gold price in India is the price at which gold is sold to consumers and is influenced by various factors, including the global gold price, Indian rupee exchange rate, and manufacturing costs. The retail price in India is typically higher than the global gold price due to additional margins and costs incurred by jewelers.

Gold holds significant cultural importance in India and is valued for its traditional role in weddings and festivals, as well as its investment value.

Overall, gold prices in India are influenced by a combination of factors, such as global economic conditions, inflation rates, currency fluctuations, and local demand and supply dynamics.

July 23, 2023; (In Rs/10 grams) 

City22 Carat Gold Price24 Carat Gold Price


Gold rate in India on July 23: 24-carat gold at Rs 60,160 per 10g and 22-carat gold at Rs 55,150 per 10g. Silver priced at Rs 78,000 per kilo. Prices vary in different cities. Factors influencing gold rate include demand, global economy, and political stability. Retail gold price in India is higher than global due to various factors. Gold valued for cultural significance and investment appeal. Prices affected by global conditions, inflation, currency fluctuations, and local demand-supply dynamics.

Akash Shrivastav

My name is Akash Shrivastav, and I am a Blogger. I have 8 years of experience in blogging for Finance, Business, Investment, Stock Market, Cryptocurreny and more. Through my writing, I aim to provide readers with insightful and informative content.