
Alcohol Discovered in the Kits of 5 Saurashtra Cricketers

The Saurashtra Cricket Association’s Under-23 team, participating in the C.K. Nayudu Tournament, traveled to Chandigarh for a match. Following a remarkable victory, the team geared up to return home, with players eagerly anticipating their journey back to Rajkot from Chandigarh.

Upon the team’s departure from Chandigarh, their cargo, including the personal kits of the players, underwent routine inspection by customs officials. To the surprise of authorities, the examination revealed a significant discovery: concealed within the kits of five players were 27 bottles of liquor and two cases of beer.

Customs Interception Reveals Alcohol Stash in Saurashtra U-23 Cricket Team’s Luggage

During routine cargo inspections at Indigo’s cargo division, discrepancies involving liquor and beer were flagged by customs officials. Investigations conducted by the cargo division in Chandigarh Airport pinpointed the presence of alcoholic beverages in the luggage associated with five players from the Saurashtra U-23 cricket team. The customs authorities promptly notified the Saurashtra Cricket Association about the players involved, namely Prasham Rajdev, Samarth Gajjar, Rakshit Mehta, Parshwaraj Rana, and Smitraj Jhalani, whose kits contained the intercepted stash.

While other players’ belongings were promptly cleared for transit, the kits of the aforementioned players were detained due to the discovery of alcohol. Subsequently, arrangements were made to transport the detained luggage to Rajkot the following day, ensuring the necessary protocol adherence and accountability in handling the situation.

Pressure Mounts as Saurashtra Cricketers Face Scrutiny for Alcohol Incident

The Saurashtra cricket team’s five players found themselves embroiled in a controversy surrounding the transport of alcohol, leading to significant repercussions from the Association of Saurashtra Cricket (ASCA). The involvement of these young athletes in the alcohol incident has brought immense pressure from ASCA authorities to contain the fallout.

Reports suggest that the families of two players among the five involved hold influential positions within ASCA. Prasham Rajdev’s grandfather, Mahendra, popularly known as Manu Rajdev, serves as the pitch curator, while Smitraj Jhalani’s uncle, Mohansinh Jadeja, holds a pivotal role as the team manager for Saurashtra in the Ranji Trophy.

Amidst allegations that senior players encouraged junior members to transport the alcohol stash for their own consumption, ASCA faces a delicate balance of maintaining family affiliations within the association while ensuring discipline and accountability among players. The association is poised to make decisive decisions in the coming days to uphold its integrity and reassert its commitment to the sport.

Inquiry Regarding Alcohol Discovery at Chandigarh Airport: Himanshu Shah Unavailable for Comment

Himanshu Shah, the secretary of the Saurashtra Cricket Association, could not be reached for comment regarding the discovery of alcohol in cricketers’ kits at Chandigarh Airport. When contacted, his office cited that logistics matters are handled by other personnel, thus explaining his unavailability for immediate response. Despite attempts to reach him, there has been no communication from Himanshu Shah as of the night of January 27, 2024.

Alcohol Found in Cargo Before Reaching Rajkot

The Under-23 cricket team, traveling from Chandigarh to Rajkot via Mumbai, landed at the Rajkot Hirasar Airport. Although they had excess luggage, including personal belongings, the cricketers didn’t carry any additional items while traveling on the plane. However, upon inspection, it was discovered that all the cargo, including the belongings of the Saurashtra Under-23 cricketers who arrived in Rajkot from Chandigarh, contained alcohol. If the checking had overlooked this aspect, the alcohol might have also reached Rajkot along with the kit…!

Rasesh Nageshwar

Hi there! I'm Rasesh Nageshwar, and I'm passionate to write about entertainment, movies, web series, and sports. As a writer, I love sharing my insights and opinions on the latest trends, news, and events in these exciting fields.