
New RBI Feature: UPI Circle Lets 5 Family Members Make Transactions Up to ₹15,000 a Month with a Single UPI Account

You can now use a single UPI ID on more than one mobile device. The government has launched a new feature in UPI apps called ‘UPI Circle Delegated Payment Service.’ By activating this feature, you can add one or more people to your UPI application. 

All linked individuals will be able to make UPI payments from your bank account. Transactions of up to ₹15,000 can be made using this service.

Understanding the UPI Circle Delegated Payment Service with Examples

Imagine you are a parent who pays for your child’s college fees and other essential expenses. Or perhaps you are a senior citizen who finds digital payments challenging. Maybe you are a busy individual who wants to delegate household expenses to someone else. Or you are a business owner who prefers not to give small amounts of cash to employees.

People in situations like these can use the UPI Circle feature to grant limited access to their bank account to dependents. The person you add to your UPI Circle will be a secondary user, while you will remain the primary user.

What is UPI Circle?

UPI Circle is a digital solution that allows a payer to authorize any individual to make transactions from their UPI account within a specified limit.

Full and Partial Delegation Explained

Full Delegation: Under full delegation, the primary user grants all secondary users the ability to make transactions up to a specified limit. The maximum limit within the UPI Circle is ₹15,000. However, each transaction can be up to ₹5,000 at a time.

Partial Delegation: With partial delegation, the primary user allows secondary users to initiate payments. However, the payment will only be completed once the primary user enters their UPI PIN. In this case, the maximum transaction limit can be up to ₹15,000.

Important Questions About UPI Circle

Question: Who can use UPI Circle?

Answer: A primary user with a bank and UPI account can create a UPI Circle. Those who join the circle will be able to make UPI payments.

Question: What are the benefits of UPI Circle?

Answer: This feature allows people living in different locations to make UPI payments from the same account. It is particularly useful in emergencies or when account access is limited.

Question: How does authorization control work?

Answer: The primary user has full control over all secondary users. No secondary user can make payments without the primary user’s approval.

Question: Is a bank account required for a secondary user to use UPI Circle?

Answer: No, this feature is designed for individuals who do not have a bank account.

Question: Can a secondary user make all types of payments with this feature?

Answer: No, secondary users can only make merchant and personal transactions. Auto-pay or light transactions are not supported by UPI Circle.

Question: Can I set different transaction limits for different secondary users?

Answer: Yes, as a primary user in UPI Circle, you can set different payment limits for each secondary user.

Question: Is this feature available on all UPI apps?

Answer: Yes, the government has made it available for all UPI apps. If it’s not available on your app yet, it will be updated soon.

Akash Shrivastav

My name is Akash Shrivastav, and I am a Blogger. I have 8 years of experience in blogging for Finance, Business, Investment, Stock Market, Cryptocurreny and more. Through my writing, I aim to provide readers with insightful and informative content.